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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Give me an example of an inspired interface please.
  2. No. Telling them to stay behind would, but they don't do that if there's no cover.
  3. Dynasty/Samurai Warriors Sengoku BASARA Who needs ninja RPGs when you could play this?
  4. "I just want to fight" seems like most characters' motivation in ME2 so far. The original bio of Thane implied he doesn't want to fight, than the character trailer contradicted this. And I had such hopes for him. :c
  5. Exactly.
  6. who's talking about the new****? that doesn't even count. i was born in 77, man. Star Wars WAS my childhood! Not me. I'm talking about stuff like this.http://www.youtube.com/results?search_quer...family+guy+star http://www.youtube.com/results?search_quer..._type=&aq=f http://www.youtube.com/results?search_quer..._type=&aq=f etc. It's like "everyone" who makes something with vampires in it has to make a stupid Dracula reference, as if it's required or something. Oh LOOK, I KNOW WHAT DRACULA/STAR WARS IS, I'M SO CULTURED AND WITTY!
  7. Khelgar wasn't bad, but I agree. Generic blood knight needs to go.Cue Dante, the stylish blood knight.
  8. Three the hard way No idea what the title means. The link has a review so I won't describe the game, except that the "leveling" system is crap but sadly not the worst. Also great story and cliffhanger ending. :shakefist: If anyone knows what the hell this is a prequel to, I'd appreciate the info. Contains swearing. PROTIP: Buy the Zweih
  9. Palmtree + human face = the feeling I get from these "interview" trailers. Something really rubs me the wrong way in Bio's trailers these days for some unknown reason. Maybe 'cause the setup is that you're interviewing them and seemingly both the news channel and the interviewee (this word actually exists, I'm shocked) decided beforehand on the questions and answers you don't give a **** about? And you hate the interviewed person. And your boss too.
  10. *mumbling* so he's a Bears fan, Fallout 3 fan, and hates Star Wars, eh...i don't even want to find out where else he's gone terribly wrong. *scratches Killian's name onto the 'do not invite over for dinner' list* Star Wars isn't hard to hate nowadays with all the goddamn SW special episodes and shout outs and jokes and merchandise every-****ing-where. happiness. Welcome to the Funny FarmWhere life is beautiful all the time They have come to take me away HAHA HIHI HAHA
  11. The manliest man on the team got a trailer.
  12. Because failure at the doorstep to success never was a reason to go bat****.
  13. And the "apology accepted captain Needa" scene.
  14. The "fair and balanced" news part.
  15. Still reading that retard thread. Guys, I have an idea. If you do release the design docs, first take a red pen and write with big words all over the stealth section: or something. ^^ Srsly, crying and b****ing this much over a design doc title. -.-
  16. I already giggle whenever I hear the Fox strapline about fair and balanced, but this is mental. It's not journalism. It's the circus. Just to make it perfectly clear: this wasn't said in a sarcastic way?
  17. As far as we know it was just shop speculation, and no, the delay decision was made around august.
  18. You're gonna regret it halfway through, just so you know. Purk: MADNESS?!
  19. Whoza third? ,o/
  20. So have I, but not in a BioWare game. Not for a major character anyway. NWN 1 character voice sets."ATTACK! I saaaaa~d ATTACK!"
  22. What's up, Sado-Maso Humper?
  23. Oh. I though he means .
  24. TNO?
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