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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Yeah, back then I figured the vaunted black and gray morality will culminate in a choice between nice-but-stupid King Forgothisname and somewhatevil Loghain. Disappointment, here I come.
  2. Correction: he's worried that the orlesian GWs invade the country. (the emote is meant for Loghain)
  3. Years ago I read a FO story detailing WWIII. I think it was official, does anyone know/have a link to it?
  4. He was overreacting, yes, but at least the thing was nicely animated. ... Thinking about it, how did Sovereign know that there was a beacon on Eden Prime and that it holds exactly what they're looking for (of which I'm not sure it's supposed to know about)?
  5. I could stomach cranium rats in a game with better controls and if they weren't so damn small.
  6. On that note, I saw a Saren tribute video on youtube and the viewers were discussing how Saren is the best and most complex villain ever. Best looking maybe, but best? And yeah, he was complex (though IMHO the overall presentation of his principles could've been a bit better), but really. Best villain?What about Ravel/Kreia? Dr. Breen/G-man (complexity arguable)? Shodan? All those other people?
  7. More geckos for everyone!
  8. Nihilus had a nice background if you looked for it at the right places.
  9. Are you one of those people who believe Darth Nihilus was badly presented? If so, expect nothing of the two big bads of DA and you won't suffer.
  10. To quote someone from the Beth board: It's like putting Hello Kitty in a Lovecraft novel.
  11. OTOH every NPC in DA could as well be called Hammingway. Both games were full Mr and Mrs Expositions, but the ones in DA felt like they think they're supposed to live up to some Shakespearian legacy or something. I can't really say if one was better than the other, but I enjoyed the ME main quest a lot more. Devil is in the details I guess.
  12. I'm pretty sure Oblarg was being sarcastic. Also, I'm hungry.
  13. Bottom row, pic in the lower right-hand corner. I grinned. Looking good, can't wait to get my grubby paws on this. Metagaming collectathon? OCD much? 2nd row, second guy. Young captain Anderson? BTW that photo of SIE looks weird.
  14. +1 I'd rather hug a xenomorph.
  15. MMmmmm.. How can economy be voyeured? I notice on the faction dossier pic there's a young version of Darth...... .... .... Darth Trainwreck. Whatever. ... Darth Sion.
  16. You could've said this before I bought DA. :/
  17. Being a human, law #3: Why would you make something simple if it can be difficult instead?
  18. Fifties. Also, the ghost quest: First RPG I saw where you had to bury something in a grave instead of robbing it. ****ing blew my mind.
  19. Oner


    He was worried NV will be delayed too? How can we make it bad? Wut? Aw come on, we'll head over and have a few big laughs over some kegs of virtual alcohol. When it comes to Fallout, this may be one of the things we both whole-heartedly agree on. Its simultaneously hilarious and disgusting when I see people write about how Obsidian will ruin Fallout or make a worse story. Haha.
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