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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Speaking of shotguns, the Pancor Jackhammer will return...right? Right?
  2. http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Vorcha Basically animals hitchhikin' the 'verse. I need to mirror that pic and then it and my ava can have a staring contest.
  3. If only goatses would be race cars...
  4. It is a nuclear winter (or something), so I guess, but that never kept anyone from building huge fake open air areas underground. The game will be much more linear than STALKER (as if STALKER were open sandbox, guess only I noticed the boring back-and-forth tracking), but will have more scripted fun (not just NPC interactions but enemy surprises).
  5. I have the demo but was lazy to install it. Heard it's very atmospheric though.
  6. Yes, russians have russian accents.
  7. They're accents. And nothing will be as bad as Kreed, ever. 'Sides, russian accents always go well with apocalypses, dunno why.
  8. Could be, but that doesn't really explain the tresher maw. Or the rachni. Combat data? Then why sic 'em in surprise attacks? (Okay, the maw may have been their on fault for not paying attention.) I'm not sure about Kahoku's intentions, but possible.
  9. The who cares, oh god, the who cares.
  10. IIRC the Miranda trailer wasn't posted yet, so here. Related: Cerberus' Kinda...uneven. Or did I just miss half their exposition?
  11. 2nd trailer Pity the foo' who won't play this.
  12. I don't think a vacation would keep him from posting.
  13. Looking at the Vanguard trailer: aren't biotics supposed to be gravity manipulators? I don't think gravity is supposed to propel you through environmental obstacles.
  14. Yao Gui - out of ****ing nowhere! In your face! Deathclaw - out of ****ing nowhere! In your face! Crabkingthing - out of ****ing nowhere! Shoots you in the face!
  15. Pixar vs Dreamworks
  16. Took long enough to notice. Too long, no right to complain anymore. Also, I'm pragmatic and lazy. 1 thread more efficient than 2. And it's your fault for not making one since the forum was made. Muhaha.
  17. Pointy ****, ouch.
  18. I never understood how the pyramid fits into the picture. I mean the hat, not the monster. Considering ME 2 won't have weapon skills, expecting a shooter isn't a bad idea. I'm curious if cover will be useful this time around.
  19. It would help if the arguing people would stop misinterpreting (out of blindness (both in the literal and...unliteral sense), bloodthirst, sheer stupidity or the "it's not there" mindset) each others posts. On an unrelated note, I hope my laptop and the **** who built it burn in laptop hell while being bombarded by burning-brimstone silicon-chips and whipped by C64 succubi. No, make that incubi. Gay-rape suffering for you piece of junk and your useless creators! AND YOU TOO, GATES! DON'T THINK YOU'LL BE SPARED!
  20. Screw that! Give us wanamingos! Those died out.
  21. Nah, it wasn't in the Bible, and not a timeline either.
  22. AP going Gold wasn't announced yet if memory serves.
  23. It would've been as though a thousand fan girls cried out in pain.
  24. Which reminds me, the persuasion lines in ME were leagues above the ones in DA. At least the ones I remember. And that turian CEO on Noveria was the best NPC in the whole damn game. Most of the good characters were turian. Except Hackett who unlike Anderson, had no weird hand gestures while talking.
  25. Then I suppose it was a fanfic, which is a shame, it was good and well written (fanfic? well written? no way!), like a historic account. i'd love to see his take on Hello Kitty too bad he died like a jerk instead of living forever like wolverine He died/disappeared from an asylum IIRC. It just added to the whole creepiness of his stories/beliefs, so in that regard it was quite ...fitting.
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