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Everything posted by Oner

  1. What a crazy film! I had to investigate on wiki, and see they built the spaceship inside the old battleship rather than simply tacking space engines on a 150 year old exploded wreck. I'm not sure what the question is, but here's the answer:
  2. Either my brain has completely given up on me, or Dark Void will really be the "free gift" retail game for a magazine here in January.
  3. http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0
  4. The background music(s) wasn't looped. It played once, then you wouldn't hear it until you loaded a save or re-entered the area (or was that a bug I had?). Which is a damn shame, 'cause it's an awesome OST. At least the sonss I payed attention to.
  5. Space Battleship Yamato Live Action Trailer
  6. They didn't loop the BGM in ME. HERESY!
  7. Record of Agarest War US teaser
  8. http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2009/12/30/w...tian-countries/
  9. I did prefer the predator over the colossus too, but the medium col VIII was simply better than the light pred VII.
  10. Most of the armor I saw weren't ugly, just not as good looking as some others (turian phantom armor <3).
  11. In Dragon Age yes, but in ME it's like this: SPOILAH Terrorist: You will let me go. You: Why would I? T: Because I have planted a bomb next to the hostages! Y (renegade answer): No way I'm letting you go. *PC patiently waits for terrorist to push some buttons* *Terrorist says something Bond Villain-ish* *PC patiently waits for terrorist to push some more buttons - an energy field appears between them* Then the terrorist, keeping his promise, runs to the other side to the map to the exit, and shoots you from there. AND there wouldn't be nothing keeping him from blowing the bomb up when you go to disarm it instead of chasing him. AND disabling a few "thrusters" won't make an asteroid in frictionless space stop.
  12. Stubbs the Zombie: Rebel without a pulse Just got past the first boss ( ), so far it's awesome. Also finished (the first round of) Mass Effect yesterday, the Mako is a major pain in the ...toe, the cover based combat isn't cover based and the end of Bring down the Sky was craptastic (courtesy of Bioware Chronic Cutscene Retardedness - OTOH that was the only example in this game).
  13. Actually, Bio runs with two archetypes. "I LOVE YOU PLAYER HERO GUY *WANKWANKWANK* YOU ARE THE GREATEST AND PURE AND HEROIC *WANKWANKWANK* and kuudere-to-bes.
  14. Nah, the game is actually ready but Josh or Todd Howard stole the gold disk and is hiding in an unspecified moldy cave groaning "Preeecciioouuusssss!"
  15. http://darealwurld40k.deviantart.com/art/D...Promo-119979927 Search and Read.
  16. Hellsing OVA 7 Best Christmas present ever.
  17. 1: Mass Effect 2: Dragon Age 3: Unreal Tournament 3 4 (by default, maybe get's a better ranking after I actually played it): Stubbs the Zombie If I played any other game I haven't played before 2009, I don't remember it.
  18. "You puny squishies with your puny frail flesh yadda yadda yadda." I don't get the Kaidan hate, he didn't complain or did anything emo-like. Then again, the Prince in Warrior Within spent only a one minute wrist-cutting in the entire game and that was enough for everyone calling him emo too.
  19. Never saw The Core, did you?
  20. I've done some experimenting with hardware/software sounds -only available option- but got tired. There's a few tricks I can pull I think. Well, thanks for da help.
  21. I can hear the voices, the static (more like complete distortion) is usually the BGM but it randomly switches to voices and sounds effects. Oh yeah, DMC 4 and MGS 2 did this too, the latter only with radio chatter and the former randomed between flawlessly good and unbearable. Then again, I played these before a win reinstall and haven't checked them since.
  22. Mass Effect with a male Infiltrator. Citadel Station sure is big. Or seems big, whichever. Am having sound issues though, game either works fine after start up or goes white noise on me. Guess it's a codec problem, anyone have any recommendations?
  23. Crysis mod, open beta available tomorrow. http://www.mechlivinglegends.net/ Oh Purkake, MW 4 will probably be released (someday) through mtx, which is mektek's torrent client, so we'll have to torrent it no matter what.
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