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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Xana can possess me any day, hurr hurr hurr. Purk contracted some brain disease!
  2. How about Tim Burton bringing Christmas to a new audience? He had things with scissor hands.
  3. .. I tried.. but there's too many slavvering threats about "Talimance" and "Garrusmance" going on.. I was overwhelmed and had to flee. And now the question to end all questions:Do turians have metal plates on their little Assault Rifles too?
  4. Topnotch, after you get through the damn wild animals! These.
  5. On the subject of Bayonetta.
  6. Not a port, coded separately, like DA.
  7. Yes, at least concerning the outcome of the original campaign. Quite true. Oh I know.
  8. I rip Bio for the unabashed fan wanking they do. Someday they're just going to crack and every NPC line will be: You, the main character and that guy playing you are awesome. You wanna see my titties while stuff explodes in the background and dramatic wind blows?Their trailers are about screaming THIS IS EPIC **** at you until you agree. They're like the Michael Bay of video games or something. The save the galaxy cliche? Isn't BG a heroic fantasy with epic proportions? ME is an epic fantasy (well, sci-fi, but you get the idea)space opera with huge armies clashing (in the end at least) to defeat the galaxy destroying ancient menace.
  9. 1. Run lest I throw my ranger at you 2. Run and play the best RPG ever made PS: ditch the content changing mods for BGII if you're playing for the first time. 1. I block him with my shield.2. All in due time. I want to dammit, but I'm gonna finish BG 1 first even you send ranger throwing ninjas at me! PS: I actually did that with BG 1 and will with BG 2, except some bugfix mods. Especially because of a certain NPCs missing 15 dialogues. Random orphan harborman #13. Sure, harbormen may be the Jim Raynors of NwN2, but you aren't an amnesiac quasi-immortal demigod or 'that one very special recruit'. You're a random unlucky baby that got pierced by a soul cutting sword-shard. Oops.
  10. Elaborate.
  11. The question was whether you actually played BGII at some point in time. I did for an hour until Imoen was kidnapped but sadly I was in my "I can't be arsed to explore all this and try to talk with every idiot I see" period (FO 1 also fell in the same time frame, but fared somewhat better). Also, I haven't played BG 1 before and even if I know the important bits of the plot, it still feels off. Sneaky editor. Not playing it doesn't mean I can't read up on the most loved aspect of the game. That didn't matter until the last third of the game and barely three people knew it. Except for the part where Githyanki coming to your village to get it from your cold dead chest started the story. Nope, they were coming to your village to find the shards that they know were lost in the area. They didn't know one is in you until you confronted their leader.
  12. That didn't matter until the last third of the game and barely three people knew it. What? It's called story progression. I'm running around Baldur's Gate giving little girls and gritty mercenaries angel skin rings and beating up doomsday demons here and there.
  13. Slightly off topic but I liked Gothic 2 as a role-playing game. You became a paladin, you were treated like one, called one, and got quests from your bosses that related to your job. You became a mage (apprentice). Go live in the monastery, sweep the floor and distribute delicious reward food. Only RPG I know where my paladin felt like a freaking paladin.And your character was a person with connections. Old friends from the first game were there, recognized you and gave you breaks when they could. The player isn't everyone's butt monkey for a change. I'm just going to say that I chose the Skillian Blitz background for a reason. Viconia: neutral evil or true neutral. Garrus: by-the-book or cowboy cop. I don't see the improvement here. BTW I haven't started BG 2 yet so I don't know how the NPCs act in that, but I loved Garrus because he tried ****ing useful. You found a rigged gambling machine? "I'm running a trace." ...can't remember other examples, but damn. Garrus always gave technical help (and I guess the other science-y JNPCs pitch in too?), Wrex made some fight related remarks ("Smells like an ambush.") Sure, nothing important but it did feel like they are there with you for a reason. Dunno, but the council doesn't, as I said earlier, I saved the 'Destiny, not the council. Too bad you couldn't tell them that. IMO NwN 2 has the best 'from nobody to hero' progression ever. Just adding my two cents.
  14. You don't like bewbs?
  15. Lots of alcohol.
  16. He looks almost identical to an ex-roommate of mine who was really annoying.
  17. May I suggest emphasizing that Awareness isn't passive until maxed out? I'm kinda tired reading all those ingrates out there whining about it. Spring. Vague enough? The hardness of the desk symbolizes the painfulness of reading certain comments.
  18. They made one. Or two. I remember saying it to her. She didn't get the message, even though she got the message, know what I'm sayin'? Got through the Warder bosses btw. The fight turned out sort of funny, especially in hindsight. Poor Xan died (temporarily), but not before a level up. Now I'm at the last level. That "chess" match was...bad.
  19. Has some problems, but looks good.
  20. I guess the same way as in DA?
  21. Let's see.. BG was released late 1998, and if you were 5, then you have been born at 1993 or earlier. So that makes you 17 or younger? Well, older than I thought. Y'know, that would explain a lot of things. Also, it's been 10 years already?!
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