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Everything posted by Oner

  1. It's true. He used to keep me in a well and only feed me once a day. I'm not going to watch any video links you post, ever.
  2. It was a poetic question. Thought as much.
  3. So then...why are you here exactly?
  4. A minotaur was involved.
  5. Y'know, I played the demo 9 years ago, but I've no idea what it was about. HA! Look who's talking!
  6. No.
  7. I have the demo here somewhere..
  8. It's the fault of the earlier walkthrough trailers. They're too good and now I can't get enough. :shifty:
  9. I didn't hate KOTOR, but I thought it was very average and forgivable. KOTOR 2 I thought was great. Good story/characters/dialogs go a VERY long way in my book. Hurl's talking mostly about gameplay.
  10. Some of that stuff is for fuel and gear upgrading. It was funny, yes, but a bit touching too.
  11. Not bad. So I watched the romance vids posted earlier. Garrus' was nice, bar the terminator head (and he looked like a Talan with that wine bottle . Tali's wasn't bad either.
  12. Sorry, I'm a redhead with short hair.
  13. And then you have to repeat that every few months. OTOH the books (if written well) don't get boring this way.
  14. So let them play VtM. 1:Not D&D. 2:Constant (/political) backstabbing won't lead to gang mentality. ^^
  15. Ever try explaining THAC0 to one of the un-initiated? To hit AC 0. What's hard in that?The problem is when you have to guess it.
  16. He could talk and make stubborn decisions, which is more than a lot of FPSs can manage.
  17. You mean the person who wrote the article has a greater long-term memory capacity than 3 years? Unbelievable.
  19. http://spellholdstudios.net/ie/pst-fixpack http://readme.spellholdstudios.net/PSTUB_Readme.html http://readme.spellholdstudios.net/QPSTTweaks_Readme.html
  20. Aliens, as in RTS? Also, the alien doesn't need a personality. The marine does. You're alone in a hive son, act like it!
  21. Thanks Oner, once again I hate pixel boobs. More for me I guess.
  22. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/debut-tr...r-dead-or/61240
  23. More like Also, this game is worse with every video. Instead of Frosty we get this nodding moron and a tsundere Vasquez. *sniff* I want my Alpha Protocol! *curls up in fetal position and cries*
  24. Why. Can't. People. Have. A. ****ing. Name? WHY? If the poor sod get's addressed all the time as Rookie, he might as well be John. What the **** is the problem with having a name? What's the ****ing point? My avatar having so little personality that his parents didn't even bother giving him a name won't ****ing make me identify with him. Or does this represent that either the devs or the teammates are too ****ing retarded to remember "my" name? RRRREEEAAAAAAARRRRRRRGHGGGHHHNNNN!!
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