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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Jawohl! ,o> How does a woman make a millionaire out of a man? More to follow. -Am I really the first man you have ever slept with? -Well, I haven't thought about it, but you do seem familiar..
  2. No matter how I look at it, Samara has THE boobs, so the choice should be obvious.
  3. Pac-Man with the Mako and Thresher Maws. Less than 10 minutes after I mention it you come up with something that sounds infinitely more fun than the resource gathering in ME2. Thank you.
  4. Someone should make a mod where Sten someday awakens to find the world full of Alistair clones, and goes on to chop them all up.
  5. I loved that. The challenge wasn't surviving the encounter but not getting hurt. Then again, if you got hurt, you usually lost most of your health (HL, Unreal).
  6. Pac-Man with the Mako and Thresher Maws.
  7. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/anders-t...ragon-age/61511 This guy is just begging to be Alistair's gay lover.
  8. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/journey-...etro-2033/61482
  9. Combining 2D drawing with CGI can have interesting results.
  10. Funny how people complain when somethings done in their interest for a change.
  11. Wasn't that in FO 3?
  12. I'm NOT looking forward to reading all these spoilers after I'm (eventually) done with ME 2.
  13. Nothing strange about it. ENCHANTMENT! The boy took some DnD class levels obviously.
  14. Juni>all ... Brb, reinstalling Freelancer.
  15. Hey, it's not a girly diary! It's a manly journal. Fixed! You fix it too! I fixed it! Now you fix it again! Fixed it again! It wasn't just her bum that distracted me. I have observed her every fine qualities. >.>
  16. Hey, it's not a girly diary! It's a manly journal. Fixed! You fix it too!
  17. Trent has a lot of personality, you just didn't read the journal!
  18. Being clever wasn't the point.
  19. Or maybe: "There's only one person willingly running around with a bunch of freaks and misfits....SHEEEEPAAAAAAARD!!"
  20. http://tinyurl.com/ybsyx7h
  21. Nothing is as good as the original Shepard as Miranda explained. But think how many clones/robots you could get for all the money he spent on Shepard! And I'm not really seeing the "Shepard as a symbol" thing. BTW, if you choose to change your face after a save import, how the hell do people recognize you?
  22. Don't feel bad, guy. Zaeed's hardcore. I'm sure you'll find a gal who'll find it "cute".
  23. Great, I loooove downloading stuff with crapnet.
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