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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Can't be worse than GameStar TV.
  2. I've been trying to do a non-lethal playthrough of Deus Ex. I go out of my way to only use the baton or other nonlethal weapons, but I still told Sam Carter I "cleared Castle Bravo" out. Too bad. Anna and Co. shoot too many terrorists up at Castle Clinton.
  3. I think it's sadder that people can't enjoy games without this crap, can't play them without it (well, legally anyway), are treated by companies like idiots, the whole DRM crap is somehow still spreading, and when they dare not like it, they're told to ignore the whole thing.
  4. HEY! Tech powers are MANLY! Power Armor is manly. Big guns are manly. Tanks are manly. Therefore, engineers are manly. Tech powers are used by engineers. Therefore, tech powers= MANLY.
  5. There was a story about a few priests, who, to alleviate parental concerns, asked some regulars to play DnD at the temple one weekend to determine if RPGs were really as dangerous as they were told. Long story short, the head priest announced at a gathering later that DnD wasn't just harmless, but helped the players learn words above their age group. The parents' reaction? Looking at him as if they're not sure he's brainwashed or insane.
  6. It was a pragmatic choice, not a bad one. Yes, you did get him and put a stop to his current and future genocide plans. At the price of a few hostages and your conscience. If you let him go, you save the hostages, but let him go free. He might commit other crimes someday. He might get killed in a bar fight 2 days later. You saved the hostages (and proved weak willed) but he remains at large. Bio could set up a scenario where he causes some other deaths, but wouldn't that just judge your earlier decision of letting him live as the wrong one? (Well it is anyway, but keeping things uncertain is better IMO.) I thought the point is to give you a decision, not a 3 year long puzzle? It's better to just report a random batarian attack on a human installation/city and let the player worry if it was four-eyes or not. I said bystander casualties, not hostages and accounted for both possibilities.
  7. Yeah, about that, what the hell is eroge mangaka? The name suggest it has something to do with anime. If that's the case, don't tell me, please Mangaka= the guy drawing manga (you know, karate->karateka?)Eroge means pr0n. Hentai is a bad translation (means weird/pervert originally).
  8. Just like eroge mangakas, porn uploaders on redtube and some commenters. And porn directors. And actors.PR0N BREEDS STUPIDITY!
  9. I'm wondering if it will turn into more than a news announcement. I let the terrorist Batarian go to save the hostages in ME1 and it mentioned him in the news report. Maybe I'll get a chance to take him down at some point... IMO that would be a bad move on Bio's part. If you meet him again and take him down without him causing several deaths first, then the BDTS choice of letting the hostages die would turn out to be the "bad" choice, making that decision (and the possible player guilt-trip) meaningless. If he kills some people before you get him, then the player who let him go just traded some bystander lives for others.Then again, the whole thing wasn't thought out well from the get-go. Better to just keep his future ambiguous (if you let him go) IMO. So, ME2...can you skip the walls of text this time around?
  10. That's the Robin Hood Sierra adventure game, right? I never got past the stupid Old English poetry puzzles.
  11. Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines.
  12. Ahahahahahahaha
  13. FF11 as in Final Fantasy XI? The MMO?
  14. The power of multiplayer.
  15. How does "won't cause a game over" equal "simple"?
  16. Pope: I'm not a ginger and please don't associate me with humorless idiots, mmkay?
  17. It's not "boobie juggling". It's Gainaxing. 'Tis an art form.
  18. You did now.
  19. OWND
  20. He is the doctor you know. And drinking acidic juice wouldn't be healthy.
  21. I should open up a fortuneteller booth or something.
  22. In which sense?
  23. The words you're looking for are "stalking" and "hidden camera".
  24. Teachers get dumber every day. It's an elephant, duh.
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