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Everything posted by Oner

  1. I'm gonna pitch a thought, see what happens: Sometimes when I can't be arsed to go watch a movie I'm interested in, I ask one of my friends who saw it about the plot. So... why don't I pay a fine for getting info on the plot -which is an important part of a movie-, the freeloading conscienceless scum that I am? /sarcasm
  2. Wow, someone felt like being a duche.
  3. We could set up a service, you can rent people to scream at and mock on ventri/TS. We'd be stinking rich I tell you!
  4. Unless someone makes a flash version.
  5. Dune 1 & 2 are abandonware. Coo!
  6. Here, have a bottle.
  7. I wanna play the Dune games too. Except 2 and the TPS.
  8. More like you can remember the past...so...historian?
  9. Great, it's "that" time again.
  10. I got lemon lime.
  11. I don't think so, no. Thanks tho.
  12. Zombie Games Ahoy! Death Penalty: Zombie Football The Last Stand The Last Stand 2 ----- Turn-Based RPGs: Dream World Sonny Sonny 2 ----- Bonus: Bunny Invasion Easter Special
  13. +1
  14. Right, I remember now. Thanks. I'm not sure whether you're sarcastic or mocking. Related to the topic.
  15. I still don't get the Constantinople/Istanbul joke.
  16. Anyhow, it's not in Paris.
  17. Name aside, what's the difference?
  18. Not vague enough.
  19. I'd presume it's referring to the GTTV footage, given it ends with Thorton getting, well, busted. And if it were set in Paris... IIRC it's in Rome.
  20. Did you check the credits?
  21. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0267660/Totally unconfirmed AFAIK. Others think http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0089141/ .
  22. So I was making a character this session (GM figured a bounty hunter would work better for the team than another mage) and was about to roll starting money (1D6 gold). "Come on baby, daddy needs a new pair of maces!" (roll) ...1. Barely enough for clothes. GM told me to reroll. Later we're sitting in an inn, the innkeepers daughter asking us what we want to drink: -Nothing. -Tea. -Milk. Naturally only the GM (and by extension, the daughter) doesn't get it.
  23. Don't forget random explosions!
  24. The sights are on the top of the gun for a reason. He clearly doesn't aim. Yes, exactly. A trained US spy not aiming his guns properly? Your tax dollars at work, people. Not mine. In fact it'll make the eventual conquest of the USA easier.
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