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Everything posted by Oner

  1. http://i.imgur.com/Xg3Tk.jpg
  2. Too many textures, not enough polygons if you ask me. Not exactly UV, just plain fugly.
  3. Too many textures, not enough polygons if you ask me. Not exactly UV, just plain fugly.
  4. Negative, the whole scene felt about as natural as the Care Bears. And after hearing about the second half of the story of Indigo Prophecy, who's to say Heavy Rain's won't be just as bad? Also, if you want choices, play Alpha Protocol when it comes out.
  5. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/exclusiv...eavy-rain/61346 Trailer made me cringe.
  6. My Delphi was topless! :p
  7. Check out Armed & Dangerous if you get the chance. I loved that the Big Bad had several (as in a lot of) plans in motion, some of which you managed to foil, some don't, and that the world changed as the story progressed.
  8. Ugh. I like you alright, Oner, but if you post another link to TVTropes, I may have to revise my opinion. It's always nice to be liked. <3 I'm pro finite ammo, it's just that people complain now, when the game's 99,9% complete. There was already a half-a-page long discussion when someone noticed an ammo pick-up notification on a screenshot the first time. Months ago. Aforementioned screenshot, walkthrough vids with enemies dropping ammo and Mike buying ammo on the black market.
  9. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main...leasableFanbase
  10. English humor. Lots of English humor.
  11. No problem. Either a french website is going to get a new trailer soon, or Paris is the last, "hidden" hub of the game While I wouldn't mind a trailer (hey, we have to get by somehow till the game comes out), I don't think he'd use agent as an analogy. Training video or some such seems likelier.
  12. Yes.
  13. There's also a floppy disk character?
  14. I love it when someone in this day and age still complains about a Blizzard game being delayed or not having up-to-date graphics.
  15. That a: defeats the purpose of enjoying the game, b: isn't satisfying.
  16. *pats back* Don't worry champ, there's always a next time.
  17. .... No, I'm an illiterate retard who doesn't know what Constantinople is. Hint: So sue me and sorry for daring to ask.
  18. No, yes, and learn to spot a joke.
  19. His dog got kidnapped and he wants to save him?
  20. The first pic is weird...
  21. Wouldn't be the first one in this thread.
  22. I'm gonna pitch a thought, see what happens: Sometimes when I can't be arsed to go watch a movie I'm interested in, I ask one of my friends who saw it about the plot. So... why don't I pay a fine for getting info on the plot -which is an important part of a movie-, the freeloading conscienceless scum that I am? /sarcasm
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