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Everything posted by Oner

  1. I pwnz0r u nubz w/ mah insane tr0ll lgoic skillz!
  2. It's one of the wonders of sci-fi series, you never know what tech is available to some uber-powerful advanced culture... Or it's a cheap throwaway deus ex machina to set up some hints for ME3.... You could say they just logged the coordinates before they left and are using some supra-special-thingie-doie-beam from afar... but that's a bad explanation too.
  3. Isn't that how every game begins? Well if it actually had to explain anything besides "You are the chosen one" I could understand the 20 minutes of info dump FO 2 didn't waste your time with cutscenes and exposition.
  4. What did I tell you about TVTropes, Oner? And of all the pages you could have put up, you picked a "Moment of Awesome" page? Goddamn it. Just... god damn it. I was hoping you don't read this page.. I'm sowwy.
  5. Dunno if it's real or not, but it's awesome.
  6. If they had made the mechanics like that then you would see a lot of RPG purists saying that it was too hard. RPG= Strategy/Skill. Last RPG I remember that had something I could genuinely call strategy was Gothic. Strategies in games like BG and Co. is hard to differentiate from what is essentially cheating. Scout with the thief and throw a fireball on the enemy from outside their FoV, draw them away one-by-one, etc. Casting dispel on a buffed party isn't what I'd call strategy either. More like common sense. Don't say that. I just read Doubt, so don't say that. Would you please make that game? My Obs wish list is getting too long, but +1.
  7. Oner


    3 actually. Pistol, Bolter and Heavy Bolter (minigun version).Also, no wonder Dan Abnett books are good, he is one of the founding fathers. The storm bolter feels offended by being left out Mea maxima culpa.Also, marines use different(=bigger) bolters than "regular" (SoB, IG officers, Inquisitors) infantry. And then there are the different "patterns".
  8. Oner


    3 actually. Pistol, Bolter and Heavy Bolter (minigun version).Also, no wonder Dan Abnett books are good, he is one of the founding fathers.
  9. Your weapon is choice. "Hmm, should I buy that extra box of shotgun shells? With infinite ammo, you wouldn't get this choice. There.
  10. That is indeed an outfit worn at the beginning of the game, when Mike wakes up in a medical bay. I don't think it'll be available afterward - although it'd be fun to see Mike pretending to have wandered out of an insane asylum as some kind of devious disguise. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main...MomentOfAwesome
  11. Ungh, great. Thanks.
  12. Dark Void
  13. About as much as can be expected from a fat cat.
  14. I loved that the guy talks about humans fighting each other, then a monster attacks him.
  15. With a high pitch. All the time. Since weeks. No idea why. It's. Driving. Me. Crazy. Nuts! Mad! Insane! BLEEAAAARRRGGGHHH!
  16. http://www.somethingawful.com/d/photoshop-...down.php?page=9
  17. Oner


    It's a LOT like star wars... there are cases where the author just sucks (CS Goto for example) and others where you're wondering about the guys vocab (In the space wolf series, they always use bolter PISTOLS...) I think one of the SW writers writes/wrote some 40k novels too. The one who salivates after the mandalorians unfortunately.
  18. You can handwave Fury as an adrenaline rush or some such. Just sayin'.
  19. Represent/Increase reputation I guess.
  20. Ahahaha
  21. Asari (or at least Samara) are Dark Elves, and Dark Elves are awesome. Also, I think she's more Inquisitor than Paladin, no? (both classes have awesome babes -charisma 18 - so it doesn't matter much)
  22. Oh but you're wrong there fella. Not even epic cleavage can beat chestgrabbing hands with a lot of open skin. BTW, so Samara isn't romanceable, right?
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