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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Steam version only has Uniloc, no Steam DRM IIRC. http://forums.sega.com/showthread.php?p=5788545#post5788545
  2. Hey, if I read, I read quietly, not announce it to the whole city.
  3. I'm not following, what do you mean? The unintentionally funniest bit is when he uses Bayonetta as an example... except she's primarily the fulfillment of the creator's fetish fantasies, not the fans'. If he wanted to sell games with boobs then DMC's protagonist would be called Dantina.
  4. So they take a "cinematic experience" game and turn it into a ..movie. You license and adapt, you license and adapt...I fail to see the logic here. Is sanity..the price to pay...FOR MONEY?
  5. Calm before the storm bro, calm before the storm.
  6. You can always opt for the Flamer Pistol, amirite? Or some home-made low power crap, or a specially damaged Energy Pistol. It's not like this isn't a Scavenger World.
  7. Cattle prod. Fits the setting to a T. Not just fits, it was present in FO2.Regardless, it could be categorized as a melee weapon, that's why I didn't mention it.
  8. +1 Who cares if Ninjas or Pirates are better? They'll have to unite against the Flying Zombies anyway..
  9. Taser maybe.
  10. You could provide a link you know. For those of us who want to see the RAAAAAGE. Disregard, found it. http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topi...st__p__15974262
  11. Oner

    It's Hot

    Perfect spring weather here. *knock knock*
  12. One guy basically asks if AP will have shades of gray and s/he gets a free copy for it, eh.
  13. I rarely play adventure games because I suck at them. IMO: Is the maze an integral part of gameplay? As in, are you supposed to get lost? In FO3, I don't think they were intentionally going for it, since you can mark stuff on your map/radar. Does "solving" the maze give you a reward? Nope. At least I don't consider "This metro stops wasting my time...until I have to get to the other side again" a reward (and there's usually more than one between you and your objective). That's not a challenge, that's a chore. And part of the issue is that they still look alike. Now if they weren't mandatory or would look more diverse (for example, the metro under a park collapses and the radioactive plants overgrow the place) to get around in DC, that would be a different story.
  14. I find it funny how that's the only thing you can say, not caring if it's true or not.
  15. -Did ya eva see a purple army ya git? -Err..no Boss? -'zactly. That's cuz purple makes ya ded sneaky!
  16. But it sure would be now wouldn't it? Since you were already expecting it, no.
  17. I never found the way to the White House.
  18. Filler areas in general suck. It's not filler! It has Nuka Colas for that side quest! That guy at the Beth forums told me so, did you forget?!Also, it's really realistic and no true patriot could help but weep at the feeling of familiarity and loss that the destroyed metro of DC evokes. You traitor!
  19. http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showt...t&p=1034003
  20. How Bioshock would've been like originally.
  21. that's the whole point of a forum read it or don't its called choice, remember that thing the game is based on??? You're the one who's contesting my choice of reading spoilers later.
  22. I didn't mind it, after all that talking a pure dungeon crawling felt good, but it could have been more varied.Then again, I spent most of my time there running around like an idiot trying not to miss any quest items.
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