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Everything posted by Oner

  1. And I thought I'm the only one with that code forever stuck in his head. BTW, IIRC in DX 1 JC's hand was slightly shaking (easiest to see with laser sight), I think that's what they meant by wobbly aim.
  2. Yep. Gotta light a new torch.
  3. Halo was an RPG? Weapons have spread, ****sux.
  4. It hasn't failed to meet mine, please quit making statements about my opinions. He said everybody's expectations, not anyone's.
  5. I got the same issue with lock picking, but I figured it's because of the unsupported graphics card. Either way, EM-****ing-P.
  6. Recognizable but generic.
  7. He is ze only geniuz in ze 'hole fhakin' biznez.
  8. Cool, if they actually pull it off.
  9. Disregard, I suck.
  10. Pity the foo' who can't code the barrel-crates.
  11. Dunno, but I'd love to play a game with "painted" graphics. Odin Sphere. 100% hand drawn goodness, I think thats as close as one can get.(As an aside, how come so many people are changing their profile picture?) Cool!
  12. Dante's Inferno anime It was quite good. The constantly changing drawing style (and character design) were detrimental to the quality after the halfway mark and the plot was mind numbing, but all in all well presented.
  13. Red Dead Redemption
  14. Through the looking glass-er?
  15. While SE tagged them wrong, how can anyone think those are screenshots?
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66ZlW6tongQ...player_embedded
  17. Dunno, but I'd love to play a game with "painted" graphics.
  18. Oo! What was the definition that won? Sorry, no idea and I can't find the thread. Cycloneman won, you could try asking him.
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