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Everything posted by Oner

  1. I think I've officially reached to point where I'm looking forward to Bloodlines 2 for the sake of seeing how much of a dumpster fire it'll be. Hopefully-maybe it won't but ehh, my backlog is large enough and there's enough games to look forward to that I don't have to hypnotize myself into looking prematurely loving it.
  2. It was so hot this week I played AI: The Somnium Files instead of Othercide to spare my PC and brain cells. Why indeed. Pewter looks ridiculous, I love it. I suggest looking up this scene on youtube. MinecraftCeption D'awwww Uh, spoilers? Not really.
  3. My guess would be they took the numerous jank complaints to heart. The original release date was a vague end of 2019, right? Makes you wonder why they thought the game would be in a state to ship at that point. I think that was their original contractual ship date and they managed to get extensions.
  4. Whispers of a Machine is dirt cheap on Steam. If you want a Nordic Noir What-If-Deus-Ex-Were-An-Adventure-Game, it's pretty good.
  5. Reminded me of a video hbomberguy released a couple days ago.
  6. Some of the camera angles are unflattering for them, like the top left corner profile shots, but otherwise they're fine. The black corruption? growing across their faces is unsettling in a good way though. Not sure what to say about the gameplay. Roguelikes have some amazing concepts sometimes but I rarely enjoy playing them in practice, plus I'm still early in. All in all, it's fun and polished, but I have issues. Every enemy type has unique AI and you have to memorize their combat patterns before the fight cause you can't check during missions. Not that they always adhere to them in my experience. Some enemies get to attack after using all their AP to move, others don't. I want to look into what's up with that but my play sessions have been short. Earn Memories by doing SomethingTM, equip them on your daughters, lose them if when they die, good luck replacing them. Restarting the timeline kills all your daughters and so far I can resurrect 1 per run, which might be okay with some people but I'm getting the Darkest Dungeon sociopath CEO bad vibes again. (The daughters dying like flies is intended tragedy, but this part of it doesn't have much emotional weight, especially since they don't really have personalities.) Having 1 overpowered daughter is useful So far I haven't seen the combo potential the game is trying to advertise, like knocking an enemy into your ally who has their Attack Enemies After They Stop Moving stance active. These combos have been too niche so far because they're fiddly to set up, or not worth the action/HP investment. Voice acting is a bit inconsistent, some lines convey the Mother's angst well, others sound like emo poetry excerpts. That said, again, the gameplay is fun so far and I'm still at the first in-game week and the atmosphere is good. Or were you asking what the gameplay is like? It's XCOM, you take 3 daughters on a mission, usually one of each class (haven't checked if taking more from one is even allowed), equip them with Memories to modify their skills and activate Remembrances to give them passive benefits and earn Traits during missions for slight modifications. Levels aren't procedurally generated, there's a small pool of them where you fight similarly to XCOM, but instead of turns, everything moves on a timeline. If you spend less than 50 AP out of 100, you get to move sooner on the timeline again, at the cost of getting less done RIGHT NOW. Blademasters are squishy but bring the hurt, gunslingers buff or run interference and shieldbearers.... nominally tank, but you're trying to minimize damage, so I have them stuck on disruption duty. Normally each daughter can only undertake one mission per day and if they get hurt you have to sacrifice another, equivalent level daughter to heal them. So yeah, you're going to restart the timeline a lot, by design. And uh, I must say, the daughter death cries? They've nailed them so well the first time I heard it I felt miserable.
  7. Othercide has some sublime tracks.
  8. F1 2018 is free on Humble.
  9. Moved my giveaway list to a google doc sheet in my sig, updated it with the last 2 months's batches while at it.
  10. https://www.voanews.com/south-central-asia/tibetan-re-education-camp-journal-tells-chinas-tactics-now-used-uighurs (hint: That's fascism)
  11. But they could still hide among the trees!
  12. They may call him Merciless, but we all know less is more!
  13. Guandao or bust!
  14. Are you a trick question?
  15. Yes, let's watch that vi- ...Maybe let's not. Inspire people by clicking on their running hearts really really fast! Atta girl!
  16. Looks like a pair of hands holding the earth to me.
  17. I've heard enough about surströmming to recognize this as a serious threat. Just FYI.
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