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Everything posted by Oner

  1. How nice, you're clothes aren't spontaneously disappearing.
  2. For some reason they replaced female V's 2018 face with... a thing in the presets, so I tried making something myself and all I got was a different vaguely female thing.
  3. First impression is, even though the game straight up pushed every option to Ultra, the game isn't as pretty as I expected (emphasis on expected), though I do lack DLSS and raytracing.
  4. I am officially chipped in. Too bad I have work in 3 hours. >.>
  5. Wow, that's harsh.
  6. Fair, I didn't read/watch that many.
  7. I have to redownload the whole thing because the patch is too big to fit on my ssd with the game itself.
  8. My best guess would be that they're hoping most won't wait for the new footage reviews after seeing the old footage ones and since they wouldn't see the bugs being discussed, they'd downplay them in their heads, but I feel like I'm grasping at straws to make sense of it. As for the reviewers, they can't not mention the bugs and recommending the game on the hope that the day 1 patch will fix a vague number of "most" bugs would feel disingenuous. Rolling half the patch out on the 2nd or 3rd review day and having it not apply retroactively certainly didn't make things better.
  9. Just a heads up, my credit card expired and covid put a damper on me going home to get the new one, so I haven't unlocked this month's stuff yet.
  10. Honestly I'm tempted to put this in the Funny topic for all the burns this garnered. "Happy to see?" "Then Twitch should change it's name, it's offensive to people with epilepsy." "Can't wait to play Ori and the First Playthrough Forest." "Ban 'speedrun' for those who are movement impaired."
  11. Wasn't it Hudson and one other guy who came up with the Starchild and the controversial ending?
  12. I liked it because Bioware was finally moving away from their stupid formula.
  13. CDPR must have heard that @LadyCrimsonisn't interested in Cyberpunk, so they quickly added a photo mode.
  14. Is it just me or are people gearing up to turn her into the new Daenerys?
  15. The game can be very punishing right from the start, though I'm told you can get godlike at some point. I invested into psionics and gave up when deeper into the game I couldn't beat two raiders despite kiting them literally through the area and abusing LoS. Didn't have the burst to blow them up, so both they had a chance to heal and when I eventually got cornered I got oneshot with a single grenade. Soo yeeah, I'd look up a build guide or something.
  16. So long as you're playing the right build, yeah.
  17. The world opens up once you finish the prologue, apart from that Skellige is locked off behind a short side quest. Unfortunately you'll still be gated off by every area having a level range, though tackling enemies up to 4-5 higher than yours is feasible. @Zoraptor While it's true that main story quests give you a ton of xp (and I think they're not subject to diminishing xp if you do them above level?), I did them last in each given area and was still consistently over-leveled, to the point that -and despite- most quests gave me between 5 and 125~ xp.
  18. But I don't want to reinstall iiiiit! And I need the ssd space for Cyberpunk anyway!
  19. Apart from people expecting the same bar (or more!) of quality as The Witcher 3 in terms of writing/quest design, atmosphere, attention to detail, etc; they're offering reactivity similar to an Obsidian game but with the budget of a modern GTA.
  20. Latest Night City Wire claimed a bunch of previews or reviews of CP 2077 would be online after the stream (which is now), but they didn't specify from which sites. So, keep a look out if you're interested.
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