Also apparently 8 million people pre-ordered it. I'm going to cheat a little, but that would be 480,000,000 euros?
They decided to "liven" up the gameplay by adding vendor junk to find with your Punk Senses. Remember how nicely the 48 minute gameplay reveal flowed? Yeah, not here.
Controls felt a bit... sluggish? Though I was too sleepy to mess with mouse sensitivity properly, maybe that'll fix it. On the other hand, I did a slow 90 degree turn in my starter car and I almost lost complete control over the car, no idea why they made it that sensitive. Personally I find the UI too visually noisy, it's disorienting me.
Honestly, I'm sure the idea was that the first proper look inside the arcology (or megaplex?) you live in is supposed to impress you, but I got so intimidated I just went straight for the quest objective.
You get xp for using skills, which I'm a fan of and there's a ton of perks to choose from. Most of the cast is varying definitions of fun so far, and Cherami Leigh is putting a lot of emotion into V so far, I'm enjoying her performance. The starting corpo vignette was shorter than I expected and so on rails I'm not sure why they even bothered.
I have a bunch of small gripes and weird things (some voice lines were cut from earlier versions for no apparent reason, for example), but I'm eager to play more.