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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Went silver mining in Valheim with one of my friends, all was going smoothly until the nightly rescue dog squads started combing the area in search of golem and drake victims. Us. >.>
  2. The 40 sausages I make every time evaporate fast when it's 4-5 people scarfing them down. We never have berries either because the queen's jam doesn't even have time to cool in the chest and I'm not even eating it. >.>
  3. Adding to this, half the food our group uses is wasted on corpse runs instead of actually achieving anything. Granted, we're the idiots for going to the plains in suboptimal gear, but the hunger mechanic stops being cool when you reach the point where eating to go anywhere important becomes mandatory.
  4. If he's a frosty guy, maybe you should've used fire arrows? My dinky level 4 wood club did double the damage to Bonemass compared to my +2 iron axe. Enemies scale with player numbers, though I'm not sure if or how dynamically.
  5. Smack some character backgrounds together until plot falls out? I know the story revolves around some playable characters, but I don't know to what degree their backstories got adapted in or how much they're related to each other.
  6. Watched the DotA anime, it was better than I expected, enjoyed it.
  7. Don't you mean Westwood's Dune?
  8. I plopped down a forward base of sorts in a large cave neighbouring the ghost leviathan and never drove the cyclops past it, seemed way too risky. Running around with the prawn suit without the heat absorbing batteries was ...an experience.
  9. Shadoh Mon Remastered releases on the 15th of April
  10. Don't you mean "Is it dough?"
  11. I'm casually sneaking my way to a city ruin my enemy somehow lost when my army is suddenly overtaken by this stack: You've gotta be kidding me. (The orange coloring at the bottom indicates they are all max xp, souped up, "named" regiments)
  12. Well LiS 1 had some relatively weak character textures, poor lip syncing and some bad animations, so prettying it up is a good idea. But yeah, making me buy it again is a pretty lame attempt on my wallet. The town is meant to be idyllic, saying they overshot it is fair, but at the same time there's a murder so a feeling of too-good-to-be-true could be intentional on their part. Hopefully they don't take a cue from 2 and make the villains a secret Trump voting KKK cult or whatever.
  13. Wait, there's a vampire faction? Are they playable? Do I have to get this game after all?
  14. My issues with Elex were that at the very beginning you were so piss weak you could only kill the single weakest enemy in the game (baby moles or something?) and even then I started a quest that put two bandits into their hangout spot so that was a pain too. Instead of Gothic's 3 camp start, enemy power levels and the f*ing minefield left you stuck in the wanna viking camp and getting up to baseline competence was a massive chore. Then at some point I got to a high enough level that suddenly everything became killable, the question was how much ammo I needed for it.
  15. But so did Gothic 3? And as much as I enjoyed Elex, PB keep making the same game over and over and after 6 games they still aren't able to fix the jank and in some ways got worse.
  16. If you want the info without having to actually play it.
  17. Got Vessels after @Tale's recommendation, I love the concept and I'm enjoying it. Though I don't look forward to repeating Act 3 for the best ending. >.>
  18. I know but that's still a big investment. Video games are an expensive hobby and this thing costs double of what a crispy fresh AAA does, I'm not comfortable with that kind of expense. And that's before I factor in that I'd almost never get to play it.
  19. Wake the f* up, samurai. You're burning the wrong thread. That said, basic leather armor and a shield are enough to tank everything he can throw at you.
  20. The KS is up, so I don't have to. 110€ for the standard edition, won't even contain the stretch goals, 170€ if you want them included. >.>
  21. You mean I scrolled down for nothing?!
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