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Everything posted by Oner

  1. So an idea struck me and I went on GoG and.... Why isn't Thief 2 there yet? I expect an extremely good explanation for this transgression. And no, neither SE nor Eidos have a say in the matter.
  2. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/...-Baby-Dovahkiin And there was much facepalming.
  3. Virginia still alive and kicking, I presume? What if I told you that Zane wasn't the project director of Virginia? OMG Have you consumed his soul and taken over his position?
  4. Apologies in advance.
  5. No link, but here's a bit of news:
  6. Don't you mean tunnels?
  7. I said it's your aim to annoy people, not my fault you suck at it. I'm sorry, but you just can't measure up to Volo.
  8. You have a funny definition of 'once', seeing how you constantly bitch. And getting my panties in a bunch? You're the guy who's trying to play some sort of righteous crusader against the unjust. Curious how I never stated an opinion over Skyrim, but you seem to know what I like more than I do.
  9. And dragon romance. Well, hopefully it'll have Falcon Punches and Sonic Booms to go with Dragon Shouts for y'all. Kind of regret posting that, also sad to note how much you guys irritate me these days. Funny how this os coming from the guy whose sole aim here is to annoy everyone else.
  10. Presumably, Leia had an emotional connection to some individuals on the planet. I1m not sure what you're trying to say here.
  11. Well, when the number of sentient beings alive in the galaxy is in the quintillions, a million is just a statistic... it's one of the few things sci-fi writers need to learn from 40k. So in SW one million is tragedy but a trillion is a statistic? (Did anyone beside Leia give a damn about Alderaan? Guess they were used to things like that at that point.)
  12. The it doesn't matter what you chose and who you killed in the last game, and even though you imported a save from that game we're still going to ignore it. Ah, the DA2 cameo?
  13. Yes. Any (further) Leliana style retcons would be pretty disastrous for their rep, I agree. You mean the face change?
  14. Because romancing a Twi'lek is better than romancing a Jawa. ... Or is it? Did you try it with Jawas?
  15. Yep, that's the one. Now I'm imagining the robber dressed as a pirate.
  16. Happened with MW2 IIRC.
  17. Adding a logo changes everything.
  18. I've been wanting to read something like that for a while. Is it objective or is it another one of those pop psychology applied to gaming like when they put all MMO player into 4 neat categories? It's about an institution trying to decode player behavior to enhance game experiences, using a custom NwN module to test participants.
  19. A study on player personality and behavior. Actually pretty interesting.
  20. Considering GTA IV's trailer was all about Nico hoping for a new, better life, whereas GTA V is The Guy describing his american dream then ends the trailer snarking "yeah right"... I don't see how it's serious, let alone more serious than 4. And the music was more laid back too.
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