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Everything posted by Oner

  1. To which I say: Feel free to run away. Can you run away at Area 51 too? Yep.
  2. To which I say: Feel free to run away.
  3. It has Black and Ops in the title. Duh.
  4. I disagree. I only picked up cloak (4 points) and hacking (7 points) for stealth purposes, which aren't that many points, plus both pay you back with a crapton of interest. Ghost + Smooth Whatever nets you 750 XP and hacking gets you at least several hundred/thousand points per area. Yes, there's other stealth augs, but you don't need them. At all. Even cloak is only there for me to save time.
  5. Doom finally getting lowered to +16 in Germany
  6. Tranq rifle + single takedown can solve most double takedown situations.
  7. Green, greasy greasels..
  8. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/v...uman-Revolution
  9. Nah, this isn't a requirement.
  10. REally? I just walked in between the intervals when the light was off. Yeah, it's funny how the tutorials completely failed to cover the one thing that isn't obvious :D I actually tried that, but guess I messed up.
  11. Sarif HQ has huge pillars advertising the company. /trollface
  13. Is there a way to deactivate mines without anything blowing up?
  14. ME3 will in fact feature game over screens
  15. I don't see how it'd make you a powerhouse. I'm not saying unlimited energy or fast recharging. The last battery is simply far superior to all other batteries. Meaning there's no reason to buy more batteries. You can just chow on power bars instead if you absolutely can't wait for the recharge. Which is a corner case, most of the time. The most common ability to use battery on is the takedown. But using takedown when you have more than one battery full is a waste of a battery, since it kills that battery, that would have been better used on another power that might still allow regen. It either needs all batteries to regen, but to take longer, much longer, or to allow takedowns to not kill the entire battery, so it can recover from infrequent use. Note that other batteries do recharge, but only if you don't drain them completely. Takedowns drain a whole cell of course, but using 3 sec cloak for just 2 seconds will allow the battery to recharge.
  16. Just get that 4 out of Thief's title. Please?
  17. Giants: Citizen Kabuto! Though that's the inside of a mouth, not a gun.
  18. A bonus mission, a grenade launcher after said mission, 1-2 explosives and cash. I got a pop-up telling me about the bonus stuff being in my game at the beginning if the Sarif mission, so if you haven't seen that in your game then you're out of luck. Have to replay the whole beginning then, great. >.<
  19. Damn, forgot to activate the bonus stuff before starting the game. Didn't get the bonus money and explosives, but I hope I still get the Tong mission.
  20. Installing sweet, sweet Human Revolution..
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