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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Whoops, I rarely visit this side of the forum. It's a biography basically, describing the part MCA played in making his games. Ask away if you want to know any specifics.
  2. Those won't be light wounds, don't worry.
  3. Welcome to the Year of the Dragon
  4. Strike 1.. Let's keep it civil as suggested. I'll refrain from sharing my opinion on how you don't bother... Well, as I said.
  5. If this was a fight, I wouldn't be laughing at his pathetic attempt at a comeback.
  6. I have to say the lockpicking and dispelling tutorials suck. The former barely gives an explanation of the mechanics while the latter jus refuses to let you practice and get the hang of it.
  7. Sorry princess, can't take the heat? Oh and google 'hypocrite'.
  8. I read it as such and never as a negative considering context. Yeah well, I did.
  9. Ahahahah no, he didn't say Blizzard is killing Diablo and you should be ashamed to post something so deliberately slanted: "Yeah, probably should have used a better verb than "kill it" about D3. They're going to do an amazing job." Morg is an idiot, but "those guys are going to kill it with Diablo" sure as hell doesn't read like "it'll be awesome".
  10. It's.. kind of true. Fallout 3 has a much more "ruined" and stereotypically post-apocalyptic setting, while Obsidian went (these are Josh's words, not mine!) for a "post-post-apocalyptic" feeling. Also, Bethesda had the benefit of not reusing assets, knowing the tools better and having a decade's worth of experience in building open worlds, and.. it kind of showed compared to New Vegas. I know, it's the fact that the guy "missed" the point that I found a bit funny.I mean, the first FO already did the whole "Wowie, a post-apocalypse!"introduction to the setting, whereas 2 and NV (and Tactics to a degree I think too) were more about progression away from the ashes (the post-post apocalypse). So what I'm saying is, FO3 is the odd one out. Not to say that Beth didn't have good reason to reset the clock, so to speak, but it's funny how Obs "missed" the apocalyptic feel when it's Beth that didn't "get" what Fallout has been about.
  11. On another note, I never really got what Durlag's is supposed to be about. Doppelgangers kill his family and friends, he goes mad, makes his fortress of impenetrability (IIRC he upgrades the thing after going mad?), okay. Then a bunch of people find their way down, and there's still living doppelgangers, slimes, undead, spiders and some random demon guy who did 60 damage per attack. And there was much confusion.
  12. Dunno. There was some heavy chatting back when I was playing Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. So there was definitely a social element there... Last I spent two hours sitting in GW chatting with a friend. That's not a social activity. At all. >.>
  13. Liked the comment that said F3 had the more/better apocalyptic feeling.
  14. ;_; *cough* I've seen things you people *cough* wouldn't believe. Battle Horrors on fire off the side of Durlag's. I've watched Lightning Bolts bounce in the dark in Baldur's Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like *cough* -like tears in rain. *wheeze* Time to die. Rosebud. x_X
  15. MWO Information Warfare Q&A
  16. Demo, round 1: Froze when I equipped the longbow. Round 2 after work.
  17. http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/1002
  18. http://yudhaikeledai.deviantart.com/art/Fl...trait-272951931
  19. which of course pretty much encompasses the entire game. Don't explain the joke.
  20. Wasn't Homefront 2 targeted for 2014 too? Whatever. THQ never had any good games/developers anyway. Thanks for not releasing Homeworld 3 in all that time, though.
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