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Everything posted by Oner

  1. I'm looking forward to it too, but calling it the most beautiful and fun game ever is a big overstatement. Also, learn what the edit button does. It's not that hard, even you can do it.
  2. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/115903-The-Walking-Dead-Crashes-Lifeless-Romantic-Comedy-Movie
  3. Oh. I closed the tab before it started.
  4. KotOR 1 David Gaider fanfic anyone?
  5. Guild Wars 2 Mesmer Gameplay/Overview
  6. Autoplay?
  7. LoK >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TR
  8. http://www.gameshed.com/_swf_dcr/21644.swf You are in a room. The game progressively realizes it hates you. Space Quest style adventure game.
  9. http://noob.hu/2012/02/19/tumblr_lyfrviFH0p1qh66wqo1_500.jpg I don't think you need a translator for this one: http://gyujtemeny.vatera.hu/egyeb/hogolyo_elado_1_forint_nma_1550050886.html
  10. You mean derived from the first two games' system? Because Beth didn't come up with GURPS. The only thing they added was WATS, and even that was based off of the targeting system in 1-2.
  11. He gave up after I died, how sweet.
  12. Oner


    Hungarian, English, German. Would like latin, russian and some others I can't recall right now.
  13. The dragons in DA are actually Rappers Reapers! Dun dun DUNN
  14. Water is wet, etc.
  15. Megaherz. Like Rammstein, but more silly instead of insane.
  16. Last I checked movies were still using techniques first seen in Citizen Kane?
  17. http://mwomercs.com/news/2012/02/127-developer-answers-4-role-warfare MWO Role Warfare Q&A http://www.arena.net/blog/mike-ferguson-on-guild-wars-2-world-vs-world Guild Wars 2 World vs World PvP details
  18. Don't get me started on the oh-so-tragic-and-woobie story of Jack. I don't get why people are all over that crap.
  19. Two fans with differing opinions. And SW fans.
  20. Anyone feel like playing Dark Crusade with poor little horrible RTS-er me?
  21. One thing that added to the atmosphere of horror games, that gave them some measure of unpredictability and made them just plain scarier, is parolling enemies. Remember Return to the Cathedral? The Cradle? In the former you see the enemies patrolling the lower floor of the Cathedral. You are on a balcony on the upper floor, hiding, pondering which way to go, then the doorlock screeches behind you and a hammer haunt walks in, screaming as it notices you... *shudder*
  22. Haven't played the game, but I don't think that means anything. Is it supposed to be survival horror? If yes, does DS failing at it mean it can't be done? I don't think so.Doom 3 was supposed to be horror, wasn't scared for a second, and I'm weak against horror.
  23. There was the whole Wrex being alive thing, and my running into Ashley instead of Kaiden. Plus I had Ashley's picture sitting on my desk on the ship. The emails were a nice touch, but they were far from the only impact from the first game. True. I admit I forgot about those.
  24. http://moviebob.blogspot.com/2012/01/not-movie-we-want-but-movie-we-need.html God Bless America The movie we've all been secretly waiting for.
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