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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Bought Space Marine, thinking of firing it up tomorrow. Damn, I've been planning on replaying AP for 3 weeks now, then DNF, now this. :l
  2. http://mwomercs.com/news/2012/02/112-dev-blog-4-role-warfare-cont MWO Role Warfare part 2
  3. Oner


    DNF + The doctor who cloned me DLC is on sale.
  4. http://mwomercs.com/news/2012/02/107-dev-blog-3-role-warfare MWO: Role Warfare How do you link in this thing?
  5. Ah, I see.
  6. I don't see anything resembling a hack.
  7. As if that every stopped fans from buying SW stuff.
  8. I see we are all still arch-mages.
  9. Yes we can, don't panic. Everything will be alright. Ssshhhh.
  10. Wow...so...weird.
  11. http://www.explosm.net/comics/2687/
  12. Umm..no? That was a trailer for multiplayer. Assuming you're talking about ME3.
  13. Burn the hater Kill the troll Purge the spambot 'Tis a good day to be a trailer: Binary Domain - Assassination trailer Dead Island - Ryder White DLC trailer Twitcher 2 - Console release date announcement (trust me, watch it) Also, Mass Effect 3 - Special Forces trailer
  14. Considering half of today's writers are yesterday's otaku (ie, retarded trash), it's not surprising.
  15. That's what I'm fearing too.
  16. http://gizmodo.com/5878901/confirmed-flesh...se-you-can-bone First comment.
  17. Blizzard cancel's BlizzCon 2012
  18. That could all belong to his father. "Customer service? Hello, my name is Mr Montgomery, you have suspended my forum and ingame account because of a post my son made on your forums while I was on the toilet." I'm not sure anyone (or at least not many) are arguing that he should be incapable of being unbanned. But their reason for the ban itself was understandable. An argument for appeal strikes me as neither here nor there. Sure. Must not be one of the more famous memes either, I at least never heard it before.
  19. That could all belong to his father. "Customer service? Hello, my name is Mr Montgomery, you have suspended my forum and ingame account because of a post my son made on your forums while I was on the toilet."
  20. Wouldn't he need a credit card to subscribe? With a name matching the forum user's name and a verified age and everything?
  21. I'm - Surprise surprise! - waiting on Guild Wars 2.
  22. Whoops, I rarely visit this side of the forum. It's a biography basically, describing the part MCA played in making his games. Ask away if you want to know any specifics.
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