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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. The hunted, Fortress & Beowulf are entertaining in their own way.
  2. I totally ignored the main quest in FO3 and out of the blue met Sarah Lyons and her posse while wandering in the DC ruins, which unexpectedly led to a fight with a super mutant behemoth. This is something that cannot happen during NV's story, where there are no surprises at all. Liberty Prime was awesome as well, I've always been disappointed not seeing the Numidium wreak havoc in Daggerfall.
  3. My FemShep could scrog Garrus.
  4. The opposite for me. The entire game crashed down pretty quickly after entering the Strip.
  5. I'll already be happy if it looks and plays like Two Worlds 2, but with the added boon of better developed lore & setting. They really need to ditch their character system, to protect the munchkins from themselves who otherwise would spend hours and hours jumping through Skyrim tossing fireballs at summoned skeletons.
  6. Maybe if another protagonist than Amanda was used (like originally was planned). Amanda being portrayed as a lousy swordfighter who always had to run to McLeod for help throughout the Highlander series, and suddenly becoming badass in Raven, killed it very quickly.
  7. Actually, I take back what I said earlier. After all, Jade Empire does have a bad ending, provided one has the perseverance to click through twenty "Are you really sure? You're going to lose. Are you sure??" dialogue options.
  8. Can anyone tell me why this game (or anything Highlander after the first one) was a good idea? All Highlander sucks, save for the TV series.
  9. What is the chance that ME3 will be perhaps the first game ever where the player doesn't win, but the Reapers will ultimately blow up Earth and wipe out the rest of the galaxy?
  10. he didn't lead the Oblivion team? hmmm Either him or Ken Rolston.
  11. Todd Howard was tester of Arena, quest designer of Daggerfall and project lead of Morrowind & Redguard.
  12. Skyrim info coming soon (in before funcroc)
  13. In ME1 it was established they could no longer take control of the citadel because the Protheans had changed the Keepers. That's why Saren was needed as their agent.
  14. Did you just diss Max von Sydow? I'm pretty sure that's one of the seven deadly sins. Business as usual around these here parts.
  15. Ricklings, most probably.
  16. So the mooks will still attack Batman one by one.
  17. So it'll be like in Dragon Age, where the Archdemon and its hordes of doom kindly sit on their asses the entire game and wait til the PC and crew are finished with gathering allies before attacking. BioWare should wrap up it all up by introducing some ridiculous plot twist... like awakening the Great Old Ones or opening a wormhole into the WH40k universe to enlist the help of the God-Emperor. Anything would be better than a Dragon Effect.
  18. TES V: Skyrim? More like TES V: Reign of Fire. Interesting that the Dragonborn was mentioned. Seems the PC will be a Septim heir (Tiber Septim, aka Talos, is known as Ysmir, Dragon of the North in Skyrim). Anyway, it's hard to whine about chosen ones and prophecies in a series called Elder Scrolls, which are scrolls containing nothing but prophecies. There is some interesting lore on Skyrim & Nords, hopefully Bethesda will stick to it this time:
  19. JE is nothing like KOTOR, let alone NWN. Have you played the game?
  20. I think most BioWare fans will be most concerned with whether they can hook up with Ashley/Kaiden again. Because of Shepard, they think that all humans are awesome and henceforth want to harvest them. The fools.
  21. Did anyone ever play Pazaak in KOTOR? Same thing with Caravan.
  22. Shadows over Riva is most playable by modern standards. They're a bit like Icewind Dale, but much more hardcore (TDE 3.0 rules). First two games have some very annoying mechanics & gameplay elements (like taking up XP to save, unless you save in a temple; having to make a succesful roll in order to increase a skill, etc). They're also very buggy.
  23. At the end of ME1, one single Reaper destroyed several dreadnoughts by simply ramming them. His shields couldn't even be pierced until Shepard beat his Kermit the Cyber-Frog form. It'll take some ridiculous plot twist to beat a thousand Reapers. Like Jeff Goldblum and his Apple notebook inserting a virus.
  24. Yes, but what battle, really? With the amount of Reapers shown at the end of ME2, one would think they could easily blow the entire planet to smithereens.
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