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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. I'm sure that's Gemma Atkinson somewhere under those fifty layers of make-up.
  2. Obsidian will go over one million easily by reputation alone. Nobody knows Larian.
  3. I have at least three games in my Steam library that I am sure I never bought.
  4. Why, Bio, why?
  5. That mace is stupidly overpowered. And that description... reads like something out of Fable.
  6. Oldie but goodie.
  7. When will this nonsense blow over?
  8. Strip them to their underwear and give them katanas and cowboy hat.
  9. Strange, I always thought it was Nakamura, but it's no misspelling Nakimura isn't an existing Japanese surname. But yeah, probably too old.
  10. He's lawful neutral.
  11. I'll just wait for mod that adds combat xp or removes combat altogether so I can just enjoy the story and writing.
  12. I think it should be Fine Young Cannibals.
  13. In AssCreed 3 'hardest' ship battle is against two manowars. Not hard, just tedious.
  14. Sophie Marceau was pretty hot in Braveheart. Maybe I'll rewatch this weekend.
  15. I thought you were talking about Belgium.
  16. Will you be able to unzip dresses with it? (kudos if you get the reference)
  17. #nippon #inclusivity #gamergate
  18. best served cold
  19. Part 2, seriously?
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