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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. The part in Dead Money where you need to reach the Sierra Madre casino from the bell tower amidst hordes of zombies, red poison clouds, traps, beep beep beep and the useless Pipboy map is one of the worst gaming experiences I've had. Must be real fun DLC for a character with no 100 in sneak, silent running + light step.
  2. People deeply knowledgeable about Warcraft lore scare me.
  3. She also appears to have sharp knees.
  4. http://images.eurogamer.net/2013/articles//a/1/7/9/1/5/9/2/andcwu.jpg.jpg/EG11/resize/1920x-1 Looks like an upgraded Fallout 3/Skyrim to me. Last Bethseda game that was "cutting edge" graphics wise was Oblivion and they had to butcher their preplanned AI system to make it look like that. After that they sacrificed graphics for their obsession with big dynamic world, i.e. every item being interactable, every NPC having a schedule, etc. Though what's puzzling is that they make a seemingly important character like your husband/wife such a generic potatoface.
  5. It's based on Warcraft: Orcs and Humans? Then it could be interesting.
  6. That's ... pretty horrible, graphics-wise. I mean, it kind of looks like an old version of the Sims, a few years back. Well, of course, it's from console version.
  7. Where's Nicolas Cage
  8. Midair heat flash. Somebody fart?
  9. Saints Row 2 was the best. It had some genuinely dark and touching moments.
  10. You can make fat character Nice Bethseda finally became incloosive
  11. Same as Fallout 3: either running at you like retards or staying miles away taking potshots.
  12. Your lazy-eyed "wife" looks really creepy.
  13. NV had tons of utterly useless locations that were added to just increase the number of map markers. "Deserted shack" for instance is nothing but an empty shack with a healing powder and some bottle caps. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Deserted_shack
  14. Not even NWN2 had clipping as terrible as that.
  15. Prince of Persia is dead and should stay dead.
  16. Shenmue 2 Failout 4 (Mirror's Edge 2) Beyond good & evil 2 Aspect-Emperor 3 The Farce Awakens
  17. Legend of the Seeker would be branded SJW by cretins nowadays but I'd rewatch it for the Mord-Sith.
  18. Near Dark? Very possible.
  19. Forgot Laura Bailey was in New Vegas; I hope she is also in Failout 4.
  20. Last I checked the Final Nights happened already in WoD. Was it rebooted?
  21. googled them, apparently they are still around EDIT: lol
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