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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. @ Adam I think it might be the site getting a hammering. I refreshed it a couple times and it went through, it remembered my selections fine.
  2. I didn't give Obz my phone number. I don't want Sawyer hassling me for advice at strange times of day and night.
  3. My order went through. Look at my badge, which marks me out as a man of wealth and taste.
  4. I will put down a shed-load of cash if they include a chainmail bikini.
  5. 1. Have forgotten my password. 2. How do you get the backer's badge?
  6. Can someone please post a summary? Thanks.
  7. Magic 8 Ball says it won't be out this year.
  8. Sorry, I'm late. My character wakes up hungover in bed with three slave girls and a sheep called Billy bob. He finishes the half-drink beer on the bed-stand, puts on his outrageously plumed hat (and nothing else) and goes downstairs to start a fight.
  9. Are you aware that the developers of this game literally bask in the miasma of disappointment emanating from you all? Like vampires, they need the sweet musk of crestfallen geeks to survive. They set up these scenarios on purpose. The only survival tactic open to you is to open a new hot chicks thread in WWOT.
  10. Wes Weimer's tactics can be found at http://weidu.org/main.html
  11. Out of curiosty, what are the mods you consider essential for you experience? For me it's mainly fix-packs and tweaks, plus some Weimer stuff like Tactics (ahahaahahaa improved Chateau Irenicus is hilarious). Unfinished Business is essential, as is aVENGERS thief mod. Dave Gaider's re-worked ToB endgame, Ascension and Redemption (one is a fan mod iirc) always get added. I like mods that add tougher challenges, improve scripts and AI and add more loot. I'm currently playing the whole saga with an anti-paladin (part of the tactics mod) and my own evil party made with MP and cut-and-pasted into the single player saves folder. Shadowkeeper is also a no-brainer. Basically, I've played it so much now I like to play as gonzo as possible with weird party / npc combos or themed parties with lots of OTT powaz and loot. Even though 2E AD&D is stoopid, it's still 10x richer than current rulesets and allows for lots of tinkering. And (please listen, PE devs) you can make bad decisions and gimpy characters. My sub-optimal Jester playthrough was enormous fun, for example.
  12. Imagine this scene in a Bioware game.
  13. Bester, dude, can you perhaps post more than one point per entry?
  14. Here's a link to a UK documentary, charting the social significance of video games from Pong to Minecraft. The number one (out of 25) most significant games is either (a) too clever a choice for its own good or, (b) genius. Am undecided. http://www.channel4.com/programmes/charlie-brooker-videogames-changed-the-world/4od
  15. I got the BG1 EE super cheap on Steam. It's polished enough, but without the easy mod support it won't replace the experience I have now. However, a year from now when both BG1 / BG2 EE are out and fully mod compatible... it will be a marvellous experience.
  16. ^ For me this happens most in RTS games nowadays. I'm re-playing BG1/2 though, and really feeling it again. For me, it's like magic: over-analyse it and it disappears. It's just getting that groove of Different Stuff I Love all moving in the same direction.
  17. As per my thread where I asked for a cool FPS, FC3 was recommended. So the ultra-uber edition was on offer for seven quid. Downloading now.
  18. Euro pencil-neck, burly neck-bearded Yank and cute but oppressed female intern. I like it.
  19. ^ Hey, that's Agiel's avatar on the tail of that F-18!
  20. 60% of BG:EE. UK£ 5.99, I suppose about $11 USD
  21. The BG:EE is on Steam sale - 60% off. That makes it £5.99 UK which isn't bad.
  22. Wow, the troll discussion makes me realise my geek genes are waaaay under control. Compared to some of you, of course. D&D trolls suck ass. Seriously. If P:E wants sinewy, camouflage trolls then so what?
  23. They have a holiday in November to celebrate the English not starving to death when they decided to colonize America. Luckily, the locals shared a turkey with them or something. Anyhow, it's a big deal for 'Muricans.
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