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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. ^ Yes, but some must suck less than others. Dammit Conan's WASD plus 1,2,3 combat commands are impossible. Why can't I just use my mouse?
  2. Well I've just given Conan ten minutes and uninstalled it. I will now try another.
  3. Hello. I've never been able to play MMOs. Why? I don't know. I love fantasy RPGs and over the past few years I've made some really good gaming buddies online in RTS games. So, with that in mind, surely I should enjoy MMOs. Or at least not find them as goddam awful. So, I thought, maybe MMOs are like smoking - unpalatable until you force yourself to get hooked. Well I'm always looking out for a new vice. So I booted up Steam and perused the MMOs on offer. And there are a lot of them. In the end I chose Age of Conan ('Unleashed' or something, although putting Conan on a leash sounds unwise). Why? Well it's free, I love Conan and I reckon it's going to be fairly quiet. I don't want a crowded MMO FFS, do I? Anyhoo, this thread is where I am going to share my Conan MMO-adventures to see how I get on. In the future MMO designers will marvel at this thread.
  4. *shrugs* I haven't read the books. Don't want to spoil the TV series (more blasphemy).
  5. Bruce, seriously, you need to press the eject button and take that CD Rom with 'political correctness 101' out of your head. Edit: Oh, and read my post. You are, yet again, summoning your crap strawman army.
  6. Jill's point was that the women ARE documented, and that our failure to educate on them is a problem with us now, now recording them back then. So this statement is actually in agreement with her, though your hostile tone seems to indicate that you think you're refuting her statement.... My ire is aimed at hang-wringing professors who would rather meta-game history and feminism than actually teach.
  7. Er, doesn't GoT have dragons?
  8. Yes. In fact having an elf plague in the next Dragon Age would definitely help. Just humans, dwarves and the guys who begin with 'Q' who are an analogue for 16th Century Islam.
  9. Maybe it belongs in the heresy thread, but Dragon Age would be better without dragons.
  10. Monte has the scars on his back from the original PC wars in the 1980s and is sick and tired of it. I saw the Gramscian long-marchers and Frankfurt schoolers, butt-hurt from the Berlin Wall falling, begin their Kulturkampf insurgency on the campuses and in the Media. The current crop of twentysomethings are seeing through it, men and women both.
  11. That might sting some of the people here like a whip, but that doesn't mean it ain't true.
  12. I remember some of my university professors bringing up the point that, in a lot of cases, the problem isn't only that women's contributions weren't included in the historical record, and more that we today often overlook those parts of the historical record that involve women's experiences. In other words, in many cases, we today, and not historians in the past, are the ones making women's contributions invisible. That's right. It's a conspiracy. D-Day was planned by Mrs. Eisenhower, who chose Utah beach. Meanwhile, Martin Luther was really known as Martina. Marco Polo was a chick, as was King Leonidas. University professors... university professors never change. All of them need to lose tenure and spend a year working for a living. Irony is, of course, that if the university professors took a break from their risible gender war they'd see lots of women in history who are documented and did do incredible things (and outside of the grindingly dull chapters of 'Social History' too).
  13. Ah, Bruce V Gromnir. One of the stranger poster death-matches on this forum but popcorn-worthy nonetheless.
  14. Speak for yourself, whelp, I'm more or less full-time now.
  15. Woldan, some of the girls you post look like men. Nothing wrong with that, dude, but that one just scared me a bit.
  16. Here's a bossy female, just so we all know what's at stake.
  17. I wouldn't call myself a liberal, but thanks No Hurlie, you are a Commie. And I know where you live.
  18. Bruce, you are the fluffiest, cuddliest fascist I've ever encountered.
  19. That's been settled for quite a while now.
  20. ^ Yes, whatever he said. I totally want to know that too. I'm up on all these technical stuff. Does the game come on floppy discs?
  21. A haiku, methinks... Romance in the game: An unnatural longing whining On the poor forum.
  22. These cosplay chicks are letting the sisterhood down, right?
  23. ^ I doubt it. What I took from it was Amazon's intention to develop its own console, a la Kindle, that acts as a content gateway. They were making a loss on the Fire in order to get it out there. I know a little bit about publishing - if Amazon does to gaming what it's done to books then buckle your seatbelts. Publishing, even the Big Five, is a sleepy old industry compared to gaming and tech, so Amazon's assault on the book market was like Starship Troopers dropping into Iron Age Britain. Going up against EA and Gabe Newell, on the other hand...
  24. Not just that, but Bruce is the king of ogling and drooling over game babez and romance content. He's part of the supposed 'problem' Sarkeesian is attempting to highlight.
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