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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. I thought verbal fellatio was against the forum rules! Lowering the tone as usual, Nep.
  2. We can do some 3 v 3 stomps or ToW if you like.
  3. All plots are smoke and mirrors and there's no such thing as non-linear unless you go pure sandbox. What you can do is create the (enjoyable) illusion of choice by creating divergent but ultimately convergent links to get from 'A' to 'B.' Using BG2 as an example, the game takes for granted you want to discover more about your heritage. If you don't then you might as well not play. At least that occurrence is central to you, as charname, and as far as deux ex machina goes it's OK. Dragon Age is different... as others have said there are a dozen reasons why the characters in the origin stories woudln't want to join the Grey Wardens but you are forced into it anyhow.
  4. Yeah, by the end of the game I had four squads of maximum vet Shock Troopers, which are pretty much unstoppable. This one stole a panzerschrek, too Thanks Indira GG!
  5. ^ It depends on the mode. On strongpoint capture you can try to camp / defend the points which is a bit easier. I'm just finding the learning curve very steep and it's unfair on the poor bastards on my team. Just, literally, a random AI map I could practice skills on would help. I'm also using an old X-box controller (am obviously playing on PC) which might not be optimal, but I think this game would be impossible to play with keyboard and mouse.
  6. Thanks Endrosz. It almost looks like the original Warcraft.
  7. Oh, and Rappers. I have a squad with Snoop Dog, Corporal 'Run DMC' and Grandmaster Flash.
  8. It's just X-Com, the new Piraxis version. I've just never got around to playing it, mainly because I know it's like crack. Now I've got the whole Steam bundle with the 1950's themed version, the vanilla one and some DLC. All my soldiers have butch names that make them sound like either (a) 80s action heroes or (b) adult entertainment artistes.
  9. Titanfall, CoH2 and X-Com. The new X-Com is like crack. Keeping my ludicrously-named, hot-pink armoured soldiers alive is an obsession.
  10. Not really, irreverence is. Insulting can certainly be a part of irreverence, but something blasphemous requires something held sacred, in high regard. In the case of this thread that's considered to be people's opinions of cRPGs, not the people themselves. The post that initiated this discussion was insulting a group of people, not being irreverent to their opinions. Blasphemous: ' )#@$ you Zeus!' Not blasphemous: '@)#*$ you for believing in Zeus!' I agree that a more apt word for this thread would be 'heretical'. I disagree. Blasphemy is to insult or rebuke that which is believed. Insult is an inevitable consequence. Martin Luther was deemed a blasphemer. So was Salman Rushdie. And Jesus. No comparisons here, more of an observation about those who applied the label. Personally, in the right circumstances, I'd wear it as a badge of pride. I am off-topic but we are all no doubt enjoying the semantics. I agree that heresy (equally enjoyable) might have been a better phrase, but our dear friend Indira can hardly be blamed for that.
  11. Actually, I like Duncan. You could view him as a sly two-fingered salute to the Galdalf / Obi Wan mentor trope: Duncan is sly, manipulative and a zealot. A liar who will do anything to get the best suicide commandos to join his band of martyrs. BG2 at least gave you two paths to meet the same end - the Shadow Thieves or Bodhi. Are you really telling me that a game as ambitious as DA:O couldn't find a less jarring or obvious way to find you serving or working with / for / to an agenda for a character like Duncan? I could.
  12. Gravity. It's almost two hours of a chick with PMT in a tin can. What was the fuss about?
  13. If Bruce is an alt then he kicks Oby into the long grass by a country mile.
  14. The quintessence of blasphemy is to insult.
  15. ^ Yes, I suppose the game is fine for FPS veterans. But it's kinda flipped the finger at noobs.
  16. In which case shame on Bioware. They should at least aim for decent stories and plotting.
  17. The Forgotten Realms is Baltimore. We need a FR version of The Wire, where Detective Elminster has to reclaim Baldur's Gate corner-by-corner. Bubbs is the LI.
  18. I agree I am loveable. And a troll. I will fight the Squee Faction on the beaches, on the streets, in the hills and on the landing grounds...
  19. Bruce, serious question - during your education did you ever study any political science or theory. Do you understand the concepts of freedom of thought, speech and association? That includes the freedom not to associate.
  20. ^ On a similar note, "Mister Nice," the autibiography of uber-smuggler Howard Marks is more fun than you can shake a stick at.
  21. @ Bruce Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
  22. He won't. It's Western propaganda, obviously. I'm glad Putin has finally emerged from his coffin, cape flapping and fangs gleaming. We all knew what he was, but now at least he's not pretending.
  23. I'm playing Titanfall and despite my allround suckiness, it's splendid. But the lack of SP is a mistake. The training missions are tiny. For a new FPS person like me the only way to learn is in a real game, with real players, all of whom are ninjas. This is not as much fun as it might be. A relatively short SP game would help players like me get into the game at the shallow end and I think the developers have made a palpable mistake.
  24. ^ Agreed, but the idea / sentiment / ambition (delete as applicable) behind the Origin stories was laudable.
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