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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Damn, I really want this to hit streaming services asap.
  2. I'm so confused. There is a new Call of Duty trailer, but the game is called Modern Warfare 2 ... but MW2 was released in 2009? Is this a remaster or something? It looks completely different than the old game, I have no idea.
  3. Only problem is that the only good predator movie is the first one. So despite the trailer, I have like zero hopes for this movie.
  4. Every single Resident Evil movie to date was terrible. The first one is pretty much the best one of them, but even that one is nothing like the games. It's literally impossible for the new tv show to not suck. Wednesday show looks interesting from the teaser, but it is Netflix, so they will likely cancel it after 1 season.
  5. There is one thing I'm wondering, though ... If rich people will live forever, maybe they will finally start caring about the environment? Right now, all those old ****s couldn't give less of a **** because they won't live through it anyways. Who knows, maybe it'll change once they can't die anymore for another 100 years? Then again, they probably just build a huge walled-off garden, or buy their own continent and everyone else lives in the squalor.
  6. Wait, there is a 2nd season? I didn't even know.
  7. Again? Wasn't it gone already once? Or was that only TNG? Feels a bit like Friends, where they made a big deal about it leaving Netflix, but now it's apparently back.
  8. I guess the problem is that 1. he doesn't care about his own population that much, and 2. many are poor anyways, and it won't change much. In the west, however, that looks a bit different. Even small disruptions will make us cry.
  9. Damn, it releases 1 episode per week.
  10. I've read all the Gaunt's Ghosts books and the inquisitor stuff. The parts I liked the most in them is where the normal day to day life was the theme. Let's be honest, most of the time the battle scenes are just random ww1/ww2 battles where the factions names have been replaced. Especially some of the later Gaunt's Ghosts stuff pretty much reads like a chapter from Der Landser. Kinda bleh, tbh.
  11. It was a joke, yes. Still -- Not everyone wants to die for their country for whatever reasons. (I wouldn't want to die for Germany either)
  12. I was never a big StarWars fan. Still, "just pretend" doesn't work for me. Don't think I will keep watching it though, unless I get super bored and have nothing else to do. The Mandalorian was kinda nice because it had that somewhat wild west influence, but everything else just feels so generic and boring to me. I dunno... Should probably handle it like Star Trek and just not touch it.
  13. And in 29 years it will only be 28 years!
  14. Started watching the ObiWan show. Made it through ep1, fell asleep in ep2. One major issue for me is that I know how terrible the ending of certain character is and every time I see that character on screen I have to think about that and I'm just like, what's even the point of all of this.
  15. Agreed. Everything is crappy shooter game or crappy tactical game. Will see what this is going to be in the end -- looks to have some wasteland influence? At least combat seems to be XCom style, so who knows. For me certainly the most interesting WH40k game in years, just hoping it won't simply be an arrangement of combat encounters.
  16. Afaik if you get drafted, you can't choose where they will deploy you. Sure you can end up in a soup kitchen, or you end up at the front lines in the east without ammo and with russian artillery shells all around you.
  17. I really hate that men can't leave Ukraine. The women are already returning, but there's still lots of dudes who'd like to flee the country, because they don't want to be drafted into the military. I know of at least one person who has to visit the draft office every few weeks to tell them that he is still there and "available". If he tries to leave the country "illegally", he faces prison or forced draft. Kinda sexist, tbh.
  18. I think if you would offer her a sandwich, she'd eat it and then go to the toilet and let it out again if you know what I mean. Or maybe she is on cocaine diet, I dunno.
  19. Quickly? Season 3 released 3 years ago. What I find more funny is that whenever I see Natalia Dyer on screen, I can't stop thinking about all the drugs. Wasn't her show-boyfriend also busted for drugs or something?
  20. No idea, do I look like I read stuff? /edit: I just remember that this was about the general hate for the show. But hey, who am I to talk about it ... I'm not the one who keeps suffering through Star Trek. I wouldn't say this is a Netflix problem btw. You see the same pattern with others shows on other networks. Guess what is a Netflix issue is that those tv show creators never know if they will be renewed for a season 2, 3, 4, etc. so they try to wrap up everything at the end of a season and then later just try to make the best of it.
  21. I'm not going to argue about s2 and s3, but s1 was great. Maybe the problem is with you people.
  22. Except for Stranger Things, all shows in your list are ****ty written.
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