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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Everyone hating on the art style and I'm here like, niceee finally a new Monkey Island game that I actually want to play. Was never a fan of the art style that came with MI3+.
  2. Fallout 4 completely lost me due to all the terrible gameplay mechanics. Stupid level scaling, power armor around every corner, lazy fetch quest disguised as faction stories, etc. etc. I painfully grinded to level 30 so I could check out the enclave power armor which would then spawn on those power armor spawn slots all over the game world, and then deleted the game and haven't touched it ever since.
  3. The intro of Samurai Champloo is pretty fire tho.
  4. Well, that's pretty much why I haven't watched season 3 yet. I just lost motivation to keep going with it.
  5. No clue, I'm really not that deep into it. Latest talk is that all coal power plants will keep working / get activated again. Part of me wonders about how happy all the old coal execs are right now. Their beloved coal will work again.
  6. As far as I understood, that's not possible. All current plants need maintenance and that will take years of work.
  7. You just have to read that chatlog with the ai to see that it's not conscious. They basically went "are you conscious?" - "yes" - "AMAZING!!!"
  8. I never watched s3 of Dark. Kinda lost motivation to continue with it because the story got more and more wild and convoluted. Like, they tried very hard to find new ways of interconnecting things that didn't need interconnection. S1 was pretty good tho.
  9. I'm waiting for this season to be out in full before I will watch it. Tried s3ep1, but ... I just found it boring. Seems the show doesn't really click with me outside of "I'm bored, let's just run press play."
  10. I have exactly zero motivation to even just attempt to watch Strange New Worlds ... After all the disappointment, there's a crapton of other shows that I rather watch instead.
  11. I'm totally fine with that. Orville right now is the Star Trek we want, but will never get again. Have to take it as much as we can get... especially since this is the last season.
  12. Guys, I watched Paddington 2 and it was great.
  13. Wrong. Up/Down stance is now done with CTRL+Mouse wheel. It actually allows even more height changes + they are permanent. So if you bend down a bit and walk forward, you will stay in that height and not revert back to full standing. The only thing missing is those height changes from crouching to prone, but who knows, maybe it'll be back some day. It's certainly not impossible to implement.
  14. Same quality I would say. However, the way the 2nd season ends and a 3rd season not happening ... you might want to consider to just not watch it and imagine the ending of s1 to be "it".
  15. Finished watching Raised by Wolves. Really sucks that it was canceled, but at the same time I can also see why ... What's worse, though, is that season 2 ends with a cliffhanger ...
  16. Great, but it's still spiking, and I'm sure it will spike some more next year.
  17. Food prices here are already spiking. Today I've paid about 10€ more than last month same time. /Edit: That said, it already went up in pandemic times. About 10€ over the past 2 years. It's quite easy for me to compare, because I usually always buy the same stuff.
  18. saw it now after my daily bike tour. Liked the movie, tbh it was pretty much exactly what I expected it to be. That said, I have a sudden urge to watch Paddington 2 ... am I being manipulated?
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