Though, if it is running on Onyx, then it is doubtful that it would be console exclusive. I mean, it could be, but I just don't believe that it would be.
Maybe it has something to do with cool old european inquisitor dudes burning witches 'n stuff, which results in a time paradoxon, which makes the player live through the same scene over and over again (with changes due to choice&consequence) until he solves a grand issue, which saves the world. And stuff. It won't feature a dragon eating his own arse, as it probably is just a metapher for the whole time looping whatever thing that is going on.
A little bit like The Dark Tower cycle.
It's an Ouruboros, a rather old symbol, filled with meaning.
Obsidian is making Fallout 4, which is set in the old Van Buren location called "Ouroboros!"
I am sure they won't, but hey, that was the first thing coming to my mind. :>
I always thought Clint Eastwood should and could do another Dirty Harry movie. It would be pretty much like Gran Torino, just with him additionally shooting a few punks here and there.
I started playing Rage again. It is not a bad game. Now on my second playthrough I see it a lot different. Guess I just had totally different expectations about the game when it came out. And it looks damn good, even though textures are blurry in close distance.
I just recently checked out the beginning of MGS3 and found the writing hilarious bad, unfitting and pseudo-philosophical. I just want to start the damn game but I am listening for 10 minutes to two people talking about the sense of being a soldier. Urg. Granted, MGS always was like that, but to me it feels like they really took off a little bit too much since MGS3. Way too long cutscenes, pseudo-philosophical and soldier depressions (war romantic?) or something like that. Eh...
Just saying. I don't think I would need a MGS5.
I started playing the Resident Evil Remake on my old GameCube again. Was a bit surprised about how scary it still is (or is again, after I forgot pretty much everything about the game). Though the gamepad controls are killing me. I just hate gamepads. They are so damn unprecise to me.
They shouldn't have made it a stealth kill, imo. Especially that the loud-looking animation is silent and the (more or less) silent looking kill-animation makes noise is very strange in my opinion. I think either switching it, so melee kill attack is silent, or making both non-silent would have been better for the game.
Probably because of all the Wasteland 2 fuzz lately. Not that it matters much, though. The new BIS probably has none of the old folks, so it is just a name without real reputation yet.
We'll see what news we will get in the near future.
So RoWa is still fixing the damn thing?
No idea. But in it's current form it is at least pretty usable.
Also started playing a bit the Resident Evil Remake again. Have to admit, it is still quite scary if I play it in the dark...