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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzVWcUKi3p4...feature=related
  2. One day Obsidian will do it right.
  3. Seein BFBC22 at that price made me laugh. If only I had waited 2 weeks, ah well. Arma II's off too, so I got the Combined Ops.
  4. Got Divine Divinity from GOG, figured what the hell.
  5. Didn't regret buying Witcher 2, got good enjoyment out of it. Definitely not going to play it again after seeing each side. Anyway, I doubt Bioware will "screw" up ME3, they're not total fools
  6. Arma 2, fun with the editor.
  7. Malcador


    Megadeth - A tout le monde
  8. Just Cause 2 is slightly tempting at that price.
  9. Gearbox could have made a Blade Runner game Random bit of news. I did like Westwood's game back in the day, replayed last year found 2 endings I never even knew were there, heh.
  10. Day off, supposed to start cleaning the house as per parents' command but...they're all asleep. And I made a nifty spreadsheet too with times and zones for each person to clean. Bah, organization is useless around here. Started on laundry so, not wasting time.
  11. Number 9 on that list made me laugh, but ah well. Google's sure got good returns with the "Do No Evil" scthick. Anyway, seems interesting, but I'll wait until people I talk to go on to that before giving it a look see.
  12. That's not really much of a reason. Not that Facebook is amazing, but still would like to hear some backing for the claim.
  13. Hm nothing I've not played and am interested in, bahh
  14. USA's got it on lock down. Our men's team can blow a 2 goal lead in back to back years, but our woman's team can hang on. what a joke. Hoping for Germany, but they need to get it together quickly. France looks pretty good too. Now, with Canada gone, all I need is England to go home and then the tournament'll be fine regardless .
  15. Watched women's football. Canada got wrecked by the French, who played pretty damn well.
  16. And why is Google+ any better?
  17. Heh, this just reminds me of WAR's launch when people claimed they ripped off WoW for having..action bars or the hp display, etc. Only so many ways you can show that info well. WoW did change the MMO market, I guess, everyone needs WoW numbers or it's a failure
  18. I hear WoW invented MMOGs.
  19. Am confused by all this grief at some cop who bought it doing a traffic stop. At least the comments on the news articles are troll-worthy though, claims of heroism, the ultimate sacrifice and some claim that the 15 year olds could have gone on to kill someone. Should be a good way to pass the time Also Happy Birthday Shryke, hopefully you live to see the next one.
  20. Sorted out my CD-R collection, amazing how many of them are unlabelled. Tomorrow or on my day off I'll go through the pile and ID the unknowns and bin the ones I don't want or don't play anymore.
  21. Isn't that...sort of cheating? I mean you abuse the camera to look around a wall that your character shouldn't be able to see in his current position...it feels really cheap and what's wrong with just leaning? Also I haven't played R6 or the DXHR leak, but judging from video previews the constant switching between 3rd person and 1st person looks really disorientating and quite unnecessary...I'm guessing it's not that bad when you actually play it? Heh in a game like R6, yeah it's cheating. But Vegas was a pretty pathetic Rainbow Six game, pretty fun FPS though. In DX3, it's not that big a deal, although it would be cool to deny people that superb awareness. Beware the fans though, heh.
  22. Well that's good if you're blind when in cover, makes sense to not have some sort of omniscience about the combat zone.
  23. Job's not thaaaat bad But always looking, anyway
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