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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Hit a Magent company and the Detroit FBI office. I guess this is what lulz is all about. Hm.
  2. Also : EVE, finally got another CS (and enough ISK to get it). Off to W-space with it, going to set up a POS (which means a lot of tedious setting up of SS) with my corp. Plan to set it up as a Mining booster, helps our Orcas and Hulks out. *snicker*
  3. You think... You... You think frostbyte 1.0 waaas PRETTY! ****! It defined butt ugly. GreenDragon: BFBC2 = Battlefield Bad company 2. Is 1.5 no ? Doesn't seem butt ugly to me, at least in the jungle levels. Maybe it gets crappy later on, either that or I'm accustomed to things being on low settings. Also, the game's been out for how long, some people here have played it, and there's also google, sheesh, it's like /.
  4. Shooting people for drug use ? Damn, you are the Emperor
  5. BFBC2 SP. So far is pretty fun, sure wish my squad would do stuff, but oh well. Engine sure is pretty too.
  6. Options would be nice for some I suppose. But I like the scheme., fits the name of the company. How on earth is it depressing
  7. Ah ok, well as long as someone has an idea of needs for the machine. Not to up to speed on gaming laptops, but I know Acer sells ones with pretty decent GPUs, not vastly cheaper than Alienware or Sager. Anyway, wasn't attempting to bash your/her decision.
  8. Yep, aware it's not well liked by you lot, but figured it'd be interesting news anyway
  9. Dawn of War 3 to be MMO-like Hope they mean it'll be like Boneyards by that.
  10. Isn't Alienware a bit overpriced for her (or for anyone really) ? My sister isn't one either, I have to keep forcing her to make a process of the purchase rather go on what's cool or listening to the salesman. Have to look into getting one for my dad, luckily all he'll do with it is watch European/S. American football so that should make the purchasing easier, huzzah. Elevator ride up today was fun, shared it with 5 douchebag lawyers, noses in their Blackberries so much that they all almost missed the floor. Hope these guys never have to avoid an assassin
  11. Next, they DDoS'd EVE. Huh. Russians must be PO'd.
  12. Or small dogs. Always seem to get ladies passing by to go "awww" at my dachshunds. Can be annoying though, trying to walk the frigging dog not deal with random women. Speaking of which, weather's great to walk him a long distance. Might do 1.5 km today rather than the typical 800 m.
  13. Good source of tax revenue if they do it. But yeah, the whole "homo superior" thing drug users pull is a bit amusing at times.
  14. No, no, I'm with Razor, not with these fools.
  15. LulzSec hacked Epic, stole passwords, etc. So, who's next ?
  16. Ah, they do the gratuity for large groups here. Asked a coworker who wastes his money eating out every night (he maintains this is cheaper than cooking at home - still think he's a lazy bastard), figured he'd be more aware of this. And d'oh for not noticing the tip amount.
  17. Ahh ok. Never experience that here. My receipts always had a Tip field. Guess I need to vary my restaurant choices and frequency. Heh, was nice when I went to MS for an interview, had $50 left over for food budget so I decided what the hey and gave the waitress that as a tip for a $30 meal. Luckily they didn't notice that on the review
  18. Hm, why have a gratuity field then. Ah well. I wish I had that money to blow on booze. Could pay off my student loans
  19. He was a punk ? Hm. Still, luckily he got arrested in Germany rather than nabbed in the US. Anyway, way off topic now, heh.
  20. They wasted GSG9's time with that ? Sad.
  21. No tip ? Damn. Well maybe it's rolled into service charge.
  22. you mean Eidos forums? this could be interesting Yeah for the most part it's accepted, is some moral outrage about using a leaked previwer's copy every now and then.
  23. People are talking about it openly on their forums the last time I checked, so go there (mind you, the audience there are fans so it's tainted anyway).
  24. DNF was going to get bad reviews anyway. It's sordid past, and every reviewer can be highbrow by hating it. Not necessarily my kind of game, but I've been watching some German guy playing it, still early on that (hm, that makes me a pirate I guess )
  25. Malcador


    This is fixed right ?
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