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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. It's 'visceral', man.
  2. You've never seen a tremendously broken state then. It's decent support for the game, but I wouldn't say I was a beta tester. Either that or they've adopted Google's concept of beta. The game's now $29.99 on GOG, hm, I knew I should have waited for a price cut
  3. Well I could suggest something. But that'd get me banned Apologies if this is on the level though.
  4. Eh, he's wanted to leave for a long time, one good and dramatic way to do it and does take balls to do that kind of thing. I wonder if the English are burning him in effigy yet, their outrage over this is hilarious. Was fun to read one comment saying "Well you'd never see an English player doing this!" Anyway, today is the farewell drinks for the guy leaving, so I guess I have to go even as bloody boring as it will be. Also there's some new guy here too we're welcoming.
  5. Looks decent, nothing exciting.
  6. Well, maybe if the game was shipped in a tremendously broken state, they could be considered to beta-testing it. Ah well, will have to give it a go, some of the changes look neat. Pausing the game when doing a finisher is a bit of a plus.
  7. I dunno, that took some balls to do. And it made the English whine, which is always good.
  8. Malcador


    I like the Metalized album of theirs.
  9. They're covering the packages here with scary images of what cigs will do to you. Largely most smokers don't care - I doubt many ogle their packs, to be fair. Nice show by the Feds here, but that tax revenue is appreciated.
  10. Yet another person I befriended at work resigned. This is the sixth person. Funnily enough since I joined here 11 people resigned. 8 of them have sit within a one seat radius of me
  11. Is fun when replaying games to suffer from that foresight then get burnt out on the game.
  12. LA Noire to PC Maybe the port won't suck. Also, did KJA write that TOR novel ?
  13. Clone Wars, ahoy.
  14. I'd thought that'd have been an NPC problem. Would be an interesting analysis, if I remembered any of my complexity stuff, bah.
  15. Was actually a lame attempt at humour there. Is pretty fun to play, for the 4th or 5th time now, heh. FIFA 12 is out soon, so might get that. Or just replay FIFA 11 and build my team's roster accordingly.
  16. That would made suffering through that emo tirade bearable!
  17. Man, Max Payne is so dated it's agonizing to play...
  18. Barret was the only one that gave me trouble, boss fights were pretty dumb, but no surprise - Dugas.
  19. People visit Saskatchewan for fun ? The hell ?
  20. Felt like replaying Max Payne, but it doesn't like Win7. Bleh. Well got it working, so 'ere we go.
  21. Had to endure 15 minutes of my friend being emo and whining about him not being good at his career, no woman wanting him, etc. Then blew up at me when I said "Ok..so whatcha doing this weekend?" I also got chocolate covered peanuts. Huzzah!
  22. Ah, sometimes I think I had a bad day. Thanks Obsidian forum!
  23. Well that was $10 wasted potentially then, heh.
  24. ITV fail
  25. Feel a bit worse than yesterday, bleh, but working in the office today. Joy of joys. Should also get back on the stationary bike too, that's the plan for tonight. Did have a funny moment yesterday, the UPS guy delivers my books from Amazon...by flinging the box at the door then driving off.
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