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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Err, right. Still race is on, I guess
  2. BF3 Leaked Not cracked though, but oops.
  3. Just PM him with it then, sheesh.
  4. First three Broken Sword games are on sale (well, I assume most here have the first one free from the promotion earlier). Funny too, I just bought BS2 last week.
  5. Have a work social thing to go to, bleh, better plan on how much time to spend there.
  6. Meh, talking to Londoners didn't end well for us when we were there, weird lot of people. We had a hotel and all just needed to get back to main road, heh. Same thing happened to me later that week too, decided this street was eastbound..turns out it was north. Next time I bring a compass!
  7. Pft, shame. Useful for the rest of us
  8. I've always heard argument about power or openness rather than just the sticker price. I should look into getting a smartphone though, seems like a nifty toy - and was a life saver when a coworker and I got lost in London, hah.
  9. Where's wikileaks when we need them.
  10. Malcador


  11. Am trying to make some roguish pistol wielder. Naturally I will fail and end up scraping by to complete the game, which will end in me ragequitting but lying about completing it to get RPG-cred.
  12. Hm, not sure about interesting but am removed from them. Seem mostly like footie hooligans playing at activism to me, maybe their leaders are smarter or something. Reading their site it all sounds pretty nice though, fight extremism, work with Muslims, etc., Hm...probably shouldn't do EDL research at work.
  13. Brilliantly posted that Muslamic Ray Gun thing from Nightshape's signature on my FB, now I have some friend arguing with me on how Islam is really trying to take over the UK, is a religion of death and violence, and the EDL's methodology is perhaps flawed. Sadly that's the high point of my day. Damn Mondays
  14. Slacker. You should be sending out detailed notes on starting zones, classes, storylines, cool things to your friends and private contacts!
  15. Also hard to get people to violate it in a meaningful way, the testers are too lazy to really take notes on things, I find, so just left with generalities as leaks. So just "story is good for the Imperial Agent", etc. Fah, I say!. Recalling the EVE alpha, heh, that was some comprehensive leaking, granted a whole bunch changed for beta.
  16. Any actions in particular that are antagonistic or insulting to the British ? I can't think of any, but may have missed things. As for Obama's dad, you sure he hated the British ? Although, hasn't the US-UK relationship always been slanted to the US since WW2 ?
  17. Well Arcanum is pretty fun so far, and no crashes, so must be lucky.
  18. I need to do that, then I get depressed at how little I know. But need to do that. Today I went to three grocery stores, kind of funny to encounter different people, Yuppies at Whole Foods, Loblaws with average folk and seedy people at No Frills.
  19. There's a bunch of Q&A on their FB page - http://www.facebook.com/starwarstheoldrepublic
  20. Well that doesn't sound too promising for tarna. Wish him good luck.
  21. Hm, how exactly ? And anyway, is a pro-British bias a good thing ?
  22. Got Arcanum and TA off GOG, so will be doing that.
  23. I laugh at Muslamic ray guns. Also some stuff about the 40k MMOG - http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.p...558#post5839558
  24. Booted for corruption ?
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