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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Seems like a good deal for you, I wouldn't feel bad at all. And it's not like your colleagues are dead - you can always meet up with them (well assuming you're that close to them, anyway). Congratulations on more money.
  2. Joy of not being able to use discretion. Oh well.
  3. I think I'll also play Syndicate, need to experience some truly sucky games.
  4. Looking forward to X-COM EU, Max Payne 3., not much else really.
  5. Why no Lego ? That'd look great on any coffee table
  6. That Colicoid War Games instance is pretty freaking bad. Why put us in turrets and in that fashion too, very strange. I did like the puzzle with the gates though.
  7. Is this about Dishonored?
  8. Watched a speech by Newt Gingrich today, I feel so much dumber for it. Other than that a nice restful weekend, got roped into going with a friend shopping (damn women need to be on target!) but at least I got Rogue Trader today
  9. Well, MMORPGs always involve a lot of killing.
  10. http://www.swtor.com/media/trailers/coming...rs-old-republic UI customization, huz-zah.
  11. Daydreaming about grenading our client's offices.
  12. I'd watch that.
  13. Some people gained 65 valor ranks in a day's worth of work, no ? Seems a bit much. But, heh, carebears.
  14. Jittery people.
  15. So...they can share which NPC they've romanced or quest completed ?
  16. Yes, but also Bioware could learn from what they've done to not make the same mistake they made years ago. So PVP being screwed up can't be defended by WoW's being just ganking 5-6 years ago. Still wonder how that LOS bug with Jadus got past QA. Still holding out hope the GTN and UI gets some fixing (and less elevators )
  17. Wonder why people keep bringing up WoW not having things at its launch 7 years ago, really. Not as if the features they have now were secret all that time. Game's not in a bad state overall though - just have LOS issues and some times my character just stops being able to use abilities- is quite fun to level on the first pass.
  18. Or activating 6 nodes, those are common on Belsavis. Heh, one yesterday had me disarming mines...that only became usable after 3 seconds of proximity. They do award rather nice XP and commendations, is rather nice when you're there for a quest for those mobs to begin with.
  19. In some aspects, I wouldn't say other than end-game. Nearing the end of my IA storyline, got the robot with the sultry voice and geared her up for possibly too much money, heh. Ch 3 for the IA is off to a rather bleh start, not as good as the Eagle hunting. Organized PvP is a bit of a mess in this game, it does seem. Since the patch is anyone getting loading screens when you're moving around the fleet HQ ? Bit strange.
  20. http://mpaa.org/resources/c4c3712a-7b9f-4b...5527d5dfad8.pdf Good laugh.
  21. Pirated games are priced better I imagine. If this is true, best DRM ever - http://www.destructoid.com/ubisoft-drm-all...re-219823.phtml
  22. 3 months you mean ? I can see a significant drop once the free month runs out, but just a gut feeling. The game should survive, they had claimed 500k would be good enough, I can see it holding on to that many.
  23. Demo out on the 14th
  24. Wikipedia has been a winner ? Why is Wales begging me with his huge face all the time then I'm not sure how the opposition to SOPA is relying on petty insults, though. The search engine and DNS filtering is a bit much, the latter you'd think would push ISPs to start policing all access.
  25. Leave Bioware alone! Went on a funny excursion to what I thought was the nearby point of my class quest's endpoint on Belsavis, heh, north through a tunnel, out through another one, along a road into another tunnel, around the edge of a pit of lava, through another tunnel, through a jungle, then finally into a tomb. Rather nice scenery though. The delay in using abilities is brought up constantly, I'll have to assume they're going to fix that (as well as fix the UI and GTN).
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