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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. How that's relevant, I have no idea. Amusing though.
  2. Well, posed like that, yes, yes it does. What a surprise. maybe I'll ignore you here as well. Point is, no game is perfect, and some otherwise good games suffer from large flaws. Obsidian fans should know that just a swell as we Beth fans. The most exciting thing about all of this is, perhaps between the two of them, we can manage to get a stellar game. Heh so what did you want as a response then ? It does detract from the game. I know seeing Amata's reaction to my slaying of her father was underwhelming, although that was more VA related than anything (I'd expected her to try to kill me though).
  3. Well, posed like that, yes, yes it does.
  4. I agree, although shame that Megaton's demise is the most evil act in the game - as you said it'd be neat to join up with the Enclave and get an ending where you purge the BoS and the undesirables from the DC area (that's pretty fiendish an ending, in my mind). But, I can guess why they wouldn't go for that, heh.
  5. Ah Kjarista is over here at last. With the tales of the evil NMA boogeymen. What's wrong with negativity, anyway ? It's a lot better than excessive optimism - that invariable leads to disappointment. And who asked for a clone of FO1, exactly ? You kept bringing this strawman argument back on the Beth forums, doesn't hold much weight. If F:NV turns out to be like FO3, then you'll see a good bit of the "hardcore" fans disappointed but not without reason - (talking about beyond "argh this game sucks!"). Though, think about it, if Bethesda handed TES off to some other people entirely, you'd be apprehensive or even negative about their chances. So you can't blame the "folks" for being not too keen on the idea from the get-go.
  6. I've not been too excited about AP, to be honest. But, I'll give the game a try to see how it plays out, and I like OE (so it's like LucasArts, I even bought Force Commander, urgh)
  7. Yikes at that image Pretty good read. Makes me want to play NWN2, didn't have a PC that could run it when it came out and it just fell from my mind.
  8. Sure, you're "lamenting". Everyone, on every forum, needs to know how sad you feel for being repeatedly banned on another forum. Right. And me getting sand outta my vag is surely not "ad hominem" and obviously thread relevant? What's your next step? "You started it!"? Besides, this thread is dead. The Fallout: New Vegas forum is at Bethesda. Well to be fair, you can't really complain about the ad hominems given your line, and dramatics, that precipitated the sand remark - "Why? Does it make you feel special? Does it make you feel better? Does it make you feel.. hardcore?". Ah, the internet, heh. As for the music, Jeremy Soule's not too bad, I liked his work in TA and SC.
  9. You're right, who would do that? -Whistles quietly- Okay so I like pixel bewbs, don't judge me! Actually by that stage I only wanted to see who was the better chick, the non-mage one was such a whiner that I chose the mage chick. So I'm glad I did it. As I was in a very similar real life situation to that. Minus the magic, monsters, fighting, enhanced physical abilities and the kid, but almost identical situation to me. Haha.. well no, I meant more than just the..uh..romance aspect. Although that was a poor choice of example I guess, that's not a critical choice. But I just meant the player trying to avoid dealing with consequences by just reloading and doing it all differently. That way you could experience all the outcomes, I guess, but really, you've busted the game up to do that.
  10. As long as there are hints that what you are going to do could get you killed then I think you are right. I'd hate for a dialogue option to be: Game: Pick left or right. Player: Erm, Right. Game: You died. Player: What??? You piece of s*&$! Those old fantasty books where you rolled a die at certain points to determine the outcome were full of those situations. Plus some older cRPG's had them a lot, thankfully not so much now. I don't mind dying from the choice, just that the possible outcome is clear before making the choice. Reninds me of our GM messing with us by having us open a door and finding a Bloodthirster in a storage room. I agree though, as long as it's evident (not obvious though) that you can get killed through a choice, that's fine. As for reloading, I see no problem with reloading if you die to try again, it gets silly when you do things like, in the Witcher, reloading to give the kid to Shani instead of Triss to see the different outcome.
  11. Yes, you're very hardcore and blah blah. Are we supposed to be impressed? You're clinging onto an abstraction (PnP was made to mimic other worlds, the rules were only there because they had no other way of determining outcomes) made by necessity all those years ago (they didn't have computers powerful/cheap enough back then), which by technology's advancement has been made unnecessary again. We CAN simulate those worlds closer to "reality" now! We don't HAVE to play by old PnP rules anymore! And some of us enjoy being able to go through several possible outcomes of a choice in one playthrough. Imagine that, people having fun within their game! I'm not sure how experiencing many outcomes in ONE playthrough is a good thing. It demeans your choices and actions throughout the game. To be honest, I'm hard pressed to see how you'd implement that.
  12. Sadly that's a comment on how today's standards are completely out of whack, where the player must coddled and led by the hand. I remember my first playthrough and I guessed from Lynette's tone that I was pissing her off...and given that she's in a government type building, I figured pissing her off would get me shot or thrown out or whatever. And they weren't abrupt with it either if I recall, as Gizmo said, the player could just use some common sense. In your case..you attacked a city official, of course the guards are going to be pissed off at you They're not noob traps, unless you believe "punishing" someone for in-world stupid behaviour is harsh
  13. heh. seconded. especially since i've had countless accounts banned from the Bethie site. I wonder whatever for Anyway, this has been the best news I've heard in a while, good thing to start a week off on. Curious how much freedom Obsidian has to work with on this project.
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