Playing Wolfenstein 3D on my lunch break, coworkers across from me have no idea what this game is. Sure is running like a hog on my work PC, but I guess that's just due to Java/Flash.
Well that wasn't too bad, really. Wanted to see Tyrael rip guys apart with his wing-tendrils though. Can't wait to see people's bitching over this - maybe about it being 2-D or not dark enough
But at least you get to learn stuff. My company's training policies have led my team to essentially train ourselves. Means I have to give presentations on some area of our product to my team mates, all at -30 CHR
Can still lose their 'profits', but I suppose that's not a killer. Still not seeing is as safe, but I get your point. Better not hear any moaning about it from any KS'd devs
Well those fans aren't getting any return, just a product paid for in advance. Not seeing that as pirate safe, although if the games are mostly DRM free, no cracking required.