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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Read K&R and do the exercises to just learn basics - loops, control flow, etc. - then can move on to C++ or some other object oriented language. Do impress upon him the point that he should practice, practice, practice. I've not done that and I'm incredibly rusty.
  2. I just watch Simpsons, Futurama in terms of series that are still alive. Do watch a couple of British comedies - Thin Blue Line and Yes, Minister and The IT Crowd every now and then.
  3. Terror missions are pretty boring affairs for me, at least on Normal. I just set up a killzone near some civilians, the aliens inevitably show up and get wasted. Game's into a long slow process now, slagging everything with my Colonels.
  4. Someday they could just have it settled by gladiatorial games with politicians.
  5. Bioware being persecuted in here ?
  6. And now up to 70 games on GOG
  7. Finished Dishonored, decided to just ditch that sneaky nonsense and go out for blood. Was at least sneaky in my killing of 47 guards in the last mission.
  8. Eh, was worth a chuckle
  9. Doubt they were ever going to do anything with GF, game wrapped up pretty neatly. Just need them on GOG
  10. Combat is less zergy if you lose your kit when you die I think, was kind of like that in JG back in the day (you kept your ship there at least).
  11. Thanks for the well wishing. Wish I had a more impressive story behind it, though, stumbling on a random shoe on the floor is too klutzy a tale.
  12. Oh, this is the episodic series they had planned a while back ? Hm, might be something good.
  13. Still working at Dishonored, I think I did the mission to return to the pub poorly, maybe I'll retry it. Getting scolded by the boatman for being brutal when I've mainly been killing plague zombies and hired killers is a bit of a headscratcher, but oh well. Nearing the end.
  14. They just need to pay for a bunch of them to spend the day drinking with Avellone.
  15. Well is a tiny fracture, advice I got from the ER was to wear a hard soled shoe and elevate it while sleeping. Well hoping it's a tiny fracture and I got decent advice
  16. Turns out I've fractured a bone in my foot, grand.
  17. And the wait for them to put the old games on GOG continues.
  18. Was this due to global warming, though ? Something similar did happen in 1991, was a bit weaker though.
  19. The Dark Empire series might be decent as well, even if it is the usual power creep - the Eclipse, World Devestators, Emperor clones.
  20. Hm, so they own LucasArts too, right ?
  21. Funny moment in Civ 4. Took over a Japanese city, then there was a meltdown in Fukushima. Pretty impressive empire with Rome, Rule the Americas and north Africa and all of Europe.
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