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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Nothing will change.
  2. Ah right, that slipped my mind. Well ok I guess that was a news-minded threat.
  3. Ah, right, bad comparison on my part. Hm, toss up whether raping an entire village's worth of people is a lesser evil than killing those people. Minor difference I suppose, once you start committing vile acts that need to prefixed with 'mass' it's all about the same.
  4. Yep, it would be nice to have another PQ style game. This one will have action sequences - shootouts, hand to hand combat. I guess QTE-bonanza ?
  5. In what sense it is any lesser crime than any other mentioned here? Well, raping one person is lesser than me murdering 500 people or worse just from a numbers point of view. Most people would agree that Pol Pot is a worse human being than a rapist.
  6. It's stupid more than anything else really, pointless jawing and just coming across as foolish. Not really finding it funny, myself, just got a laugh reading them as if some chav was saying it (Use of '****' mainly leads me to think it's a UK thing). The insult involving his family being raped by Hindus is just so random though.
  7. Ah, finally got wind of the insults against the COD guy - http://gamerfury.tumblr.com/ At first glance, I can see a lot of English lad types sending these
  8. Hm, those didn't scare me as much as the original did. Dropped them fairly easy all but a few times. Did have a funny moment with one on an alien ship, it opens a door where I have 4 people overwatching.
  9. To be honest, Klendathu Drop isn't really fitted to militaries actually using tactics in their fight rather than imagining their rifles are swords and acting accordingly Plugging along with Warband, but I think I'll give it a break. Got the Sleeping Dogs 'DLC' (what an amazing 29kb download!) so will go through that. Year of the Snake is pretty boring so far.
  10. Peter Moore's comments didn't say "We won this award because of homophobes." What he was addressing with that aspect, however, were the campaigns by anti-gay individuals that were feeding the poll simply because their games had gay characters as something they weren't going to change. So if your reason for voting for EA was because of that, well tough. For instance, you can find people directing traffic for an anti-gay agenda here. Peter's comments can be found here Quick snippet (emphasis mine) See, people see the list and go "you're just making excuses." It IS certainly PR damage control, but what his list is saying is, if this is why you think EA is the Worst Company in America, then we find your complaints invalid. So now ask yourself, do you feel that EA is the Worst Company in America because of anything on that list? Particularly the last one since it's such a heated topic in US Politics at the moment. Things like SimCity's launch are certainly much more valid reasons for a customer to be dissatisfied with EA. Or even policies such as Day One DLC (although I never understood why a gamer that wants a game wouldn't wait until the game + DLC was at a cost that they found acceptable and just paid for it then). If you're voting for EA as the Worst Company in America because you felt their service with a game like SimCity was subpar, THEN FINE. You're welcome to your opinion and are free to voice it however you may like. A lot of people do play free to play games. I can understand if people feel that a game with MTX is too nickle and dimey, or perhaps that the game feels compromised without the MTX. But the mere existence of them? As long as we're still getting games that we want, I couldn't give two hoots about a F2P game that I'm not playing. It's not different than a standard game I'm not playing. If you're voting for EA as the Worst Company in America because you don't like MTX in games? Meh. Don't play them, and don't buy them. Origin? Dislike that our PC games come with Origin? Well, unfortunately (as evidenced by Steam doing so with a not too popular game like Half-Life 2, as well as Counterstrike and the like), it's a good way to promote adoption. There are also huge advantages (as I'm sure Valve acknowledges too) in terms of margins by people adopting and eventually utilizing said platform. Although you can still buy boxed copies of games through Origin as well, if you prefer. It's a different delivery mechanism, and one that helps mitigate a lot of risk. Heck, maybe if the EA as a game publisher haters get lucky, EA will pull a Valve and realize that releasing games isn't actually the best thing for business anymore! Voting EA as Worst Company in America because of a Madden cover? While I haven't seen this, it honestly wouldn't surprise me. If people WERE voting for this reason, I certainly don't consider it meaningful feedback. And finally, voting for EA as Worst Company in America because they're making attempts at being more inclusive in their gaming? If this is what makes you vote for EA, then I (Allan Schumacher) don't care for your reason for voting either. Though on a personal level, I wouldn't have bothered addressing said poll in any capacity. I don't find it particularly scientific, and didn't feel it said anything more that wasn't already being said elsewhere. I do feel, however, that it undermined gaming as a hobby and passion. Though for some people, I think that they prefer it that way because any sort of "concession" for people that like different things is seen as a cost for some people, meaning getting less of what they want. But there are certainly swaths of geek culture that actually prefer their exclusive status. In some cases it almost seems like people feel "because I was picked on mercilessly for my geeky hobby, anyone that isn't also subjected to said treatment is not as pure as I am, and I will in fact pay it forward by often demonstrating the same demeaning behaviour that was perpetrated upon me." (General geek culture rant at this point). "In the past year, we have received thousands of emails and postcards protesting against EA for allowing players to create LGBT characters in our games. This week, we’re seeing posts on conservative web sites urging people to protest our LGBT policy by voting EA the Worst Company in America. That last one is particularly telling. If that’s what makes us the worst company, bring it on. Because we're not caving on that." Hm, pretty much trying to highlight that out of the list. It's 'telling', after all. I guess company men do exist, after all. Also, the male elf's got one stoned out expression, but still they look cool. Assuming I get around to DA2, not looking forward to downloading this, as I guess it'll be MP3 size or worse
  11. Pretty sensible reaction when some stranger yells at you.
  12. Well Jim Walls' Kickstarter died a sad death. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/precinctgame/precinct
  13. Well, obvious PR lies aside that list does have interesting stuff in it. The weather effects, for example.
  14. One leads to another, if you think about it. Publicly act like a **** and you'll start getting that in addition to the usual flak a public figure has to deal with. I'm just surprised this isn't some stunt. Or help us when he brings his emo self back to gaming
  15. Or at least the same as the Western allies in games.
  16. Whoa, a THUNDERSTORM?!
  17. Kind of silly to have it otherwise.
  18. Well, shouldn't be - not much external pressure so doubt it'll be a bug laden mess.
  19. I want weekly status updates on tasks in progress on spreadsheets.
  20. Our team making fun of our corp's hiring practices openly in the office is probably a bad sign to some people, but still was the highlight of the day. Working to the SRR soundtrack, so going swimmingly (if the actual work didn't suck so much).
  21. Transmorphers. Think Red Alert 2 acting but worse. Much much worse. Penalty for being bored on a Saturday, but at least my sister and I got a good laugh out of it.
  22. *snort* Tell that to my DM. Though I suppose using the flamer was a bad idea. Was worth it for the party's reactions though!
  23. Good to hear they got the third book done, was about to learn Polish. Still wonder at how well the translation is done. Finished off Caliban's War, it was so so. Have to say the heroes get on my bloody nerves, the head Captain is a self-righteous guy to start, and the antagonists' evil is so clear cut it just leads to boring moral outrage. Also a scene where "I love you guys, you know that" is written made me put it down for a bit. But it is a space opera, so I suppose stuff like that is to be expected. Also finished Emperor's Gift - 40k book so nothing truly stunning but one thing Dembski-Bowden does do well is show relationships between characters well, though a Grey Knight smiling or trying to make a joke seems off, to me. Next up, is Masters of Doom, that book Hurlshot read about the creation of Doom/id. That should be somewhat interesting, I hope. Is there one written about Sierra ?
  24. Disappointed the stereotypical Gino anthem is in there (Haddaway)
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