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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/08/15/tropico-5-announced-follow-el-presidente-through-the-ages/ Tropico 5 announced “The Eras – From the 19th century to the 21st, each era carries its own challenges and opportunities. Begin your reign during colonial times and advance your nation through the modern era and into the future! “The Dynasty – Each member of El Presidente’s extended family is present on the island and may be appointed to key leadership positions, earning skills and experience in their assigned roles. “Research and Renovate – Advance your nation by discovering new buildings, technologies and resources. Transform your old buildings into modernized, hyper-efficient designs worthy of an economic superpower! “Advanced trade system and trade fleet – Amass a global trade fleet and use your ships to secure import/export trade routes to neighbouring islands and key nations. “Explore your island – Discover what lies beyond the fog of war. Send prospectors to look for new mineral and ore deposits, but be wary of hostile animals and native tribes. “All new art – All artwork is reworked to provide Tropico 5 with a distinct historic visual identity. Choose from over 100 unique buildings from each of the individual eras. “Cooperative and competitive multiplayer – Up to four players can build up their own cities and economies on any given island map. Players can share resources and citizens, or declare war on each other.” Sounds interesting
  2. Nah, cops here tend to die in car accidents. Though 4 did buy it just walking up to a house with an armed nutter in it. Brave sons of the Confederation, all. Anyway, an aside from the situation.
  3. Come on, using IMDB ratings ?
  4. Happy Birthday JFSOCC.
  5. A lot of fancy funerals ?
  6. I wouldn't be that upset, I'd think the money was just towards the good comedy if that happened. Imagine all these KS people that swarmed in here with all the butthurt, then ? Heh, I regret putting money to PE thinking about it now, but eh.
  7. Certainly is believable as something more than an excuse you're sneering at it as, but I've no visibility to their work. I found it was a fun simple game to play even with the frustrating save system, myself.
  8. Sadly it won't get to the "Please buy it!" stage SR3 reached, good deal that.
  9. A bit too effusive.
  10. Should have expected that
  11. I'll wait until one of you people play it to see if it's worth forking out $15 for eventually.
  12. Nahh that makes it look dark. Add in people or places with apostrophes in their names and then you medieval dark fantasy !
  13. Makes it look more medieval.
  14. PC Gamer likes SRIV - http://www.pcgamer.com/review/saints-row-4-review/2/ But it is PC Gamer so..
  15. Enjoying the nice cold weather (for August). Is nice to walk out in summer and not worry about sweating to death or getting breathing problems from smog. People here whine about it, but that's Toronto for you. Work is as usual, like Initech but without Lumbergh.
  16. Or just go to your local blood donor office
  17. On someone for sniping, amusing. And hey, he can always play it without paying.
  18. New trailer. Who knew Geralt was so good at close fighting.
  19. I work in an office where that kind of stuff is useless frivolity.
  20. Human ass, family trauma. That's all you need to know.
  21. Joker is one of the few characters I actually liked from ME. Well, your opinions aren't worth dirt then.
  22. Thanks, everyone. Ah cool, Gifted1, every time I've seen a USN member post online they've always served on some less glorious ship like a tanker or frigate or something Well except for that one guy in WoW that thought because he was a CAT technician on a carrier he somehow had intricate knowledge of aerodynamics.
  23. What kind of ship did you serve on ?
  24. So nicer to just back it and then not really bother with it all that much, heh.
  25. Arma 2 war crimes edition. Mainly as an experiment to see how civilians in the game flee when being shot at, but it is funny how the hostile OPFOR just ignore them sometimes.
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