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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Hm....he is the God Emperor!
  2. Well, with that many, could be bad luck, poor governance, a lot of things, I would imagine - will take some reading
  3. Wow, that's a lot of dead.. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_major_famines_in_India_during_British_rule
  4. Nah, I doubt the Imperium would purge octopi. They aren't a mutant as they are what they are and although they are xeno I guess they're not sentient and are a food source so. Then again, Terra has no oceans...so...
  5. "Stretch goal"
  6. Or perhaps you just fail as a parent.
  7. Drats, not cancelled for good.
  8. They ruined it before the game or any details at all have come out (or at least I've missed some) ? Still, would be nice to see them try the genre, it is under-used. If they do a game, they should take DX:HR's dialogue system where you verbally spar with an opponent.
  9. I still like the thermobaric weapon they used for building clearing in Iraq
  10. Finished off Broken Sword 5, total time was 6 hours or so - did leave it running now and then but probably no more than 45 minutes. Was a fun game, though I find the characters just up and go places you need to go to by themselves or locations are locked out if you don't need them for a puzzle.
  11. Only if there is the option for a non-violent playthrough. Well, meant in terms of forumites playing, not the company making one, if you meant it that way. If you didn't...well you are a giant pansy.
  12. http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/christchurch-life/9511871/Mini-burgers-to-your-table-at-140kmh Fast food indeed.
  13. In this situation, feel for the nations that donate bodies to that mission.
  14. Is a pretty good point, revenge is a cycle and so on. Though convincing a side to just take it on the chin (most want the Israelis to do this) would be hard. You get the sense that this conflict is great for both parties involved
  15. Here ? Really ? You have an entire thread where you go on about that
  16. Man, that's sad.
  17. Gets funnier and funnier - http://www.enca.com/south-africa/interpreter
  18. People might not go to that site. LPs aren't really a substitute for one playing a game.
  19. Time for an Obsidian UT game then ?
  20. Only one I've played much, the use of the modes in the ASMD was pretty unique to me at the time
  21. I'd say 1 in 5, myself. GD is just good for the boobs thread.
  22. We'll all be dead by then, so wouldn't matter to us, really. The second point one could put something less ridiculous forward on though, overpopulation and so on. Which is rather silly, but not completely so.
  23. I just hope I can keep playing COD's SP on Youtube.
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