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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Went back to Farthest Frontier as they've patched it. Not noticing much different, will have to review the patch notes. Town's doing ok, although the wildlife aren't deterred by simple fences. Not all bad a builder, can turn off the annoying raids. One bug, or maybe feature is getting warned when a boar charges a villager, then runs away, then charges again, then runs away. Fun, fun spam
  2. You poor bastard. Today I continued the deception of my employers that I have some ****ing idea of what I'm doing
  3. Well they did kill Dugina, although they pissed off the US that way, so one reason it may not be them - not going to piss off their bosses again. But he's not really been saying anything anti Putin apparently. Probably going to be more than him, but I guess no one will care.
  4. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65155075 Ukraine did it, I guess ?
  5. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CqduGrxAANo/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  6. My original comment was that it doesn't make sense to get wound up over it. But given Ukraine complaints about things, I guess that overrides all. As for the US in Iraq (or Vietnam, USSR in Afghanistan, etc) I would be very surprised if any noticed or cared that much, relative to the things they were doing at the time.
  7. Yes, but so what, in terms of impactful action the US has its veto, so it's not dire. It shouldn't be absurd at this point given nations have held the presidency while droning, bombing or invading other countries. And they held it last year, and things went fine. Also really, speaking of "values of the UNSC", amusing.
  8. Funny headline, I forget Ukraine is master of us all. I don't know why there's such a fuss over it, is a monthly rotation and I don't think they get any fancy powers or such and even if they did, the vetoes exist
  9. Mostly dilettante type stuff like Kurzgesagt, Tom Scott, History Matters, Epic History, PBS Space Time. Other than that some WoW streamers, Forgotten Weapons and Russian language learning channels to round it out.
  10. Can't wait for the MAGA riots.
  11. I generally am good about not clicking on stuff I am not interested in, I keep my Youtube account just to favourite videos. Looked at history and I realized the anti-Woke crap was probably due to watching a video on differences between branches of Christianity. Might be missing something but I find it doesn't really follow with what I'm searching elsewhere.
  12. https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/30/europe/turkey-vote-finland-nato-membership-intl/index.html Still won't be enough to save us from 10,000 years of darkness if Ukraine falls.
  13. My Youtube suggestions are great lately, Tomo-chan is a Girl clips amongst right wing crank videos talking about how to fight the woke and vaccines and Tupac videos
  14. Bit of both, really. Doesn't always have to Blizzard's problem for latency issues, I've had many issues with lag spikes that are related to either my home network or problems along the way to Blizzard's servers. Is just annoying to have those impact a game mode where a connection's not necessary.
  15. Not too sure Japan, Australia and ROK will be enough to hold back China. But not as if the US is really tied down right now. Yet another data point of ammo expenditures being a problem when you're not fighting insurgents (although I guess sometimes even then - Israel had issues in 2006, if I recall)
  16. Was just thinking of Spanish issues with their Leopards - they were in a rough way, I believe. But, yeah, it being a newer system is probably more likely.
  17. https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-zelenskyy-russia-putin-war-78f55fbf4fb7e57711c2fadaf914fd45 Wonder which air defense systems they had to keep changing - guessing the HAWK from Spain (just due to age of system). Wants 20 Patriot batteries, too, hah.
  18. Cheap land that's not a frozen hell in winter like Saskatchewan, I guess.
  19. https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxjqmb/qanon-queen-romana-didulo-follower-evicted Canadians always have to follow Americans with nuttery.
  20. Following up on webcomics I used to read, apparently the guy behind Sinfest is some QAnon-type now ? I know he changed in like 2010 to make the comic all about social justice and such, but that's wild.
  21. Yeah, is why Canada is going to be the last to stop sending stuff. Well...ok, given our military we may run out stuff to send long before that regardless. But can send money.
  22. Basically how he sees himself in his films.
  23. Well, wouldn't say people are bored here in Canada, definitely is less energetic than 6 months ago, way less than this time last year obviously.
  24. Should switch Pokey Boi and Stibby Stabberino
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