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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Not entirely unbelievable, you kind aren't above high school nonsense like that.
  2. Oby makes this look too easy. But then again that may be due to the audience.
  3. Is a possible reason, he has been fairly outspoken. Probably it is just a gap in coverage.
  4. Might be better to use a chair there.
  5. What a hell that would be.
  6. Seems like the ones they have over here are the exact opposite, but I rather enjoy being around angry and jaded folks.
  7. Maybe it has a sense of fairness. I suppose that could be true for Saskia.
  8. I never had any trouble fighting the dragon. I've played through the game 5 times, I think, possibly 6, and I've dies a total of once, maybe twice on the dragon fight. The Kayran fight is the one that always gives me the most trouble, even though once you learn what to do, it's really not hard. For whatever reason, I always screw up a bunch of times doing that fight. I don't think I've ever gotten past the Kayran in less than 3 tries. It's the reason I'll never attempt Insane Mode, because I know for a fact my game will end at the hands tentacles of the Kayran. Well as I said it was annoying until you get the rhythm. Still think that was a dumb fight in a way, fighting a dragon should involve you forcing to the ground, otherwise it should just burn you from the air.
  9. I was too late to warn you. Alexander has published real concerns in gaming - http://leighalexander.net/list-of-ethical-concerns-in-video-games-partial/
  10. Nice relaxing day of doing nothing. Well, other than housework. Is a festival tonight in the city, but it's mainly "art" and the audience is a bunch of hipsters, drunks and stoners which dampens my curiosity.
  11. hmm.. Go look at Killcreek's photos if you need naked 'developers' (both of them barely qualify as that, I think).
  12. Heh, really ? Why, exactly ? Eh, sometimes. Technical stuff is ok. The other design stuff, well, that can go take a hike - I still remember reaction to Jensen's post about it being 'transphhobic' and 'cis centered'. Seems the last line is all that matters to you, need echoes.
  13. Well that dragon fight was annoying as I remember, took a while to get the rhythm of it. The new quest in Ch 3 isn't that bad, on Roche's path you get to dabble in politics a bit more. Also, CDPR was having a good joke with the credits of the EE. It's 25 minutes long
  14. Eh, even if true, who knows to which degree. Crunch and overpromising are staples of the industry, or so it seems. Thought we had a CDPR guy here, as well, but I assume he'd be too busy working
  15. Apparently some insider on NeoGAF. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=905447&page=7 Probably a bunch of nothing.
  16. Outwitted Philippa and not inked up, so yes.
  17. No idea, am on Roche's path, I get some quest with the Ves-like operative I gather, I just started. I regret not taking extra roll distance, was getting my ass kicked by the fire golem before the Henselt showdown (which was rather easy with Igni spam, heh).
  18. Why should they be concerned with it? Seriously why can't people just make what they want and if someone wants to make a thing out of concern for representation let them do that. '12 Angry Men' did not need a X% of women among them. These people have problems playing protagonists that aren't themselves.
  19. My favourite one was TorĂºviel's. Forgot how bad the vampire queen's was. Vesna's not bad.
  20. Hah, turns out my game was still on easy. I had set it that way to just breeze through and see the EE stuff but I guess it reverted when I loaded a save and I was unaware, whoops.
  21. Well, now all AMD needs to do know is seize this opportunity and name Sarkeesian as their ambassador or something. Sweet SJW money.
  22. Well I avoid GD, except for one thread, but everywhere else seems to be on the same level as here for the most part. A good example of "get what you give", as well.
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