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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Always amazed at how parents put up with babies.
  2. Well she can say what she wants and you lot can reiterate it,I'll remain a bit dubious of her when the video's railing on about these tropes. But then again, maybe she will give a positive video on what exactly she would like in detail. Or too much to hope for.
  3. So we're all subtly brainwashed then, it seems. Weird phrasing too, starts off with "Likewise engaging with these games is not going to magically transform players into raging sexists" but then ends with stating that it conditions attitudes - kinds of contradicts the point before. Hm, wonder why people keep saying she is ok with these things and just wants less of them when she mentions them as being harmful and dangerous and offensive. I guess reducing poisons is better than elimination.
  4. Yikes that's huge.
  5. https://archive.today/Lf3Yp Huh.
  6. There was a funny article a while back saying that you shouldn't criticize women online, even if you think it is warranted as that makes the Internet unsafe for them http://youtu.be/HSNFZYvgVY4
  7. Better luck next time, Scotland
  8. Yes it is. Helpful in a way to see these people under pressure and watching them lash out, is informative to know them as people. Not seeing this as an issue with bigotry in gaming here, as this thing has blown up into a straight up fight between gaming bloggers and various groups online. Even if it's Quinn, she's disposable and just one woman (a nice target for this anyway, indie developer, claim to fame is a non-game that hipsters idolize, is very reactive to attacks) and isn't really much of rampant bigotry unless you conclude insulting one woman applies generally.
  9. This is obviously why you are not an Alpha Male, man. You must show dominance, always!
  10. A product of an entitled childhood. (woo, finaly got to use that buzzword)
  11. Delight in watching them rage and squirm from this, Walker and others labour well under the pretense that they are worth something. Also just fun to watch a war erupt online, with luck the whole indie scene blows up and several people flee the industry. A section of people who fully embrace this Internet social justice nonsense like you, then slurring large numbers with sweeping generalizations is also amusing as well. Interesting that you're ok with that, but I forget the mental leaps you did to understand that a word actually meant a specific subset of what that word meant, hm. For me at least it's not too much outrage over amusement and enjoying stoking a fire.
  12. The West doesn't 100% jump into military matters either, so it's not a concern.
  13. Cracked article is usual generalization and preaching, etc. Confuses "loudest" for "average". Try that with feminists and there you see it. Not really applicable to me, but whatever makes the author sleep well knowing he is Social Justice aware or whatever. Almost masturbatory these articles these days.
  14. They are as divided as an independent Scotland and Great Britain would be though. So divided we fall isn't much relevance here. Unless Scotland is going to not be an ally to the UK and EU and US for some reason.
  15. Uh, the West is divided already, somehow I don't think one more nation added into the pile is going to make the vile East or whomever attain dominance. Was kind of hoping the Scots would separate, myself, but probably works out better this way.
  16. Dump of these people's mails http://pastebin.com/rQx78cSE
  17. The dude who tried to SJW after saying some ****ed up stuff on the RPGCodex? Yep, and the dude who was trying to take money for posts on Reddit.
  18. Alexander is just working through childhood issues. Funny that she is bragging about that to an Asian Neo Nazi there
  19. He's a big SJW no ?
  20. I so want Cheong to comment on that, will be a good chance to slam him with his old Codex postings Volo does have a point though - "This whole is funny ebcause people make a HUGE deal about it when it is completely irrelevant in the real world. Nobody outside the corner of jerking off on the internet really knows about this. Nobody I know in real life gives a crap."
  21. Eh, I'm ok with any kind of damage, be it to the industry or the people (as much as nasty stuff on Twitter can do anyway). Fun to watch, at least.
  22. It's decent enough material to argue pointlessly about. Hoping some major damage comes from this, myself, though.
  23. Ah yes, so they must censor discussion...why is some nobody "developer" like Quinn important enough to warrant that ? Denying a 'signal boost' (heh) to those people gives the impression that she's something special. Certainly did fan things more. I wasn't on Quinn's side then or now, I guess I am not decent.
  24. Forgot how much of a castrated twerp Kuchera is. "signal boost", though, is a good one Orland from Ars posted this about the group http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2014/09/addressing-allegations-of-collusion-among-gaming-journalists/
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