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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. And again how is this a campaign against gender equality ? It's a concept. Still rolling with this, eh ? Kind of funny to see someone argue a word means something else than what was written. Well, at least you've not caught on to the 'wrong side of history' talking point. Quinn's nothing special, so if people want to be skeptical of her writing a naturally biased article, big deal. Well, other than people like you when it comes to women, anyway. Also https://archive.today/BQbD7 Polygon didn't get the "listen and believe" memo about women it seems.
  2. Watched Arsenal get bent over by Dortmund. Another disappointing season.
  3. Regular mail, my good man, regular mail. But really all these "developers" and "journalists" that have open social media pages any jackal can post on should expect this when you open the door.
  4. Ban social media. Might work out.
  5. We're all alts of one very, very troubled man.
  6. What's the solution then ?
  7. Not much else one can say about that, likewise anyone that decides to sneer at you for you playing a genre of games is an idiot.
  8. Aside from the threats via phone, not that much difference. Heh, funny how easy "false flag" type stuff can be done over Twitter.
  9. Never been accused of that, sadly, back in my day it was just being called a Jew and a homosexual. Or that one time I was a Jewish-Catholic-homosexual.
  10. Well, my initial problem was your idiotic assertion that you can't admit you play CRPGs without being shamed or shunned by women. Maybe that can work for a certain kind, heh. You've not done a very good job of arguing that it is a problem in CRPGs, either. Well beyond the ad for a known shovelware game that already ripped off DoW with one last year.
  11. Never said abuse online wasn't a problem. I guess abuse of women online is the priority for people to, heh, fix.
  12. That was golden
  13. Somehow I don't think a lot of normal female gamers are closed off from cRPGs, though, certainly a lot love Bioware (and have seen some that make..hmm..appreciative comment about the male characters). But go ahead and flounce.
  14. Well, your hope is misplaced, it's bashing, simple, your feelings on how best to describe this are your own. Not really sure what you're on about with your second paragraph, but not entirely surprised by any of that. Third one, we were talking of the Internet, not how to make the world safe for women as is feminism's aim, I'm gathering. The problem is as Gfted1 pointed out, but no real way to lose that unless we make all of the (First) world nice and polite or strip anonymity from the Internet which runs risks greater than people reading nasty text typed to them. Fix that, as easily said as it is, and then it's done. Unless restricting that to women is the aim, but that's a bit strange. See examples of this on how snarky people must be online when they discuss, this, be they a SJW clicktivist or some other jagoff in their Twitter hugbox.
  15. To some people this comes as a surprise, seriously.
  16. Well it is bashing. Do I need to use a more outraged or emotional term ? Abuse uses custom ammunition for the target, so insulting a woman will have terms that apply to a woman. Much like racial abuse. Not that is ok, but it is the way it works, unfortunately, so I don't read too much into the terms used to insult someone online. I've seen the stuff she has said has been said and done to her, usual fare (I guess years of CS made me immune to this). Regardless, people hating Quinn probably have many motivations - the lulz probably the most prominently as she and her lot are a very reactive target. People do seem to treat women differently, online either positively or negatively, heh. As you mentioned the Internet "needs" feminism, so the aim is to prevent women from being bashed online ?
  17. Is bashing on Quinn really bashing on gender equality ? You can hate a woman, after all.
  18. Well, as it started out as a misogynistic conspiracy then everything is invalid or people should use another hashtag. So the talking point. Is an interesting example of PR at work, all of this fuss. She's had a decent spike in her donations too, so this is ending pretty well for her.
  19. Quinn's getting pretty famous now from all this.
  20. Hardly, Canada is like the US but with a bit more self delusion when it comes to the people.
  21. Certainly nowhere I have to feel ashamed or otherwise prevented from mentioning I played Dragon Age or The Witcher or Fallout (they beat me if I mention I played Daikatana), other than the baseline risk of mentioning any hobby. Do the women curl their lips in disgust, point their fingers and cry out "misogynist!!" at you if you do or something ?
  22. What, you can't do that now ? What kind of idiot women do you hang around with ?
  23. In my EU4 game Lithuania rules pretty much all of Eastern Europe. Finding it hard to compete with them as Russia.
  24. Bah, forgot my imgur pw.
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