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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Go go Canadian journalism. F**king Rogers, CityTV was crap but never this crap.
  2. The original was a great game, nothing is hurt or diminished by playing it. Additionally, you get to hear the original voices.
  3. And it is offensive to the Amish
  4. It's seen all the time. Often on this board too. Often the words being used are just slightly different. It's almost a daily occurrence on the BioWare Forums for there to be a heated discussion over the term "RPG" because to some, referring to anything that doesn't fit their strictly defined view of what an "RPG" is threatens that vision. If RPGs are popular, but popular in the wake of something like Fallout 3 or Skyrim, then those that want more Fallout 1/2 or Baldur's Gate 2 have now become marginalized. Devs will make RPGs not "for them" but "for those other people" instead. I agree that those labels are fluid, but then I also respond to the disagreements I have with people that use the term in ways I find confusing in entirely different ways (it typically involves less hate than some people). True, labelling a static product like a game is a lot easier to discuss than labelling people though. Fair enough though.
  5. Sure, I must verify a charge you make, carry on. Outrage being exaggerated, hmm...well probably true, it is the internet. Reading around, it's full of histrionics - postings about this being part of a war on women, bizarre connections of industry people and the usual flaming. Hm, thinking of more serious offenses, I guess I tacitly accept homicides, heh. But really, an endless crusade against abuse online sounds like a good path to a stroke.
  6. If you're trying to point an inconsistency or hypocrisy, you're going to need to dig it up at a poster level - so find where everyone saying journalists selling out now said something bad about them back then. Else this is just a convenient fiction. Also I think people here have gotten on RPS and EG's case for their editors deciding their work must have meaning and write for The Cause. Also, could have those that suspected in the past glad to have proof, be it real or otherwise and see this as a chance to ram the spear in to the "journalists".
  7. Never did understand how you could possess ownership of a word, but I guess I need to waste time studying that to fully get it. In this situation, gamer just means someone that is into the hobby - distinction should be like that of reading. Everyone reads but not everyone "reads", as I imagine everyone knows. The "journalists" should just be clear, could have avoided all this fuss if they just referred to the demographic they meant explicitly rather than engaging in some campaign to define a word based on what they do. Interesting attitude they possess to do that. Don't think they really are for games stagnating, unless you believe "social justice" issues in gaming is the only avenue to that. For the most part, see people mainly getting backs up over being lectured or preached at, fairly expected, I suppose ideally it wouldn't happen.
  8. Shame too, was looking at getting this for my sister.
  9. "Reading the Kotaku comments also tells me that they do not censor dissenting opinions - they just delete the really bad, hurtful stuff." Funny how that always works out, I find.
  10. Hm, interesting that you'd say there is no corruption. Thin line between them being bought off or being plain useless, I suppose. If the accusation encourages "journalists" like Walker, Grayson, Sessler to be under stricter standards, no big deal.
  11. That was a long flounce there. Remember the 'Like' button does exactly what you posted.
  12. Hm, I must not have been looking closely at the scheming. So then this is all a giant smear campaign on Quinn, as relevant as she is, but done by who and why ? For the most part this caught fire and left Quinn a while back, the curious crackdown on discussion about it on some sites sure did help - gives the impression she has plenty of friends in key places (r/gaming moderator was a rather funny one)
  13. So there's a conspiracy against Quinn ?
  14. God damned Humanities majors, I bet.
  15. So, it's not Hell, but we can see it from here then. Okay, so then yes, that is a flounce then. Come now, you've been on forums long enough to not be tired by the ceaseless batle. Embrace it.
  16. Does this mean you'll flounce out of this thread ?
  17. Grayson wrote on about that reality show that fell apart, but that was about it. Think Grayson also funds her via Patreon so that looks iffy, as well. Snowballed beyond any scandal concerning Quinn directly, what with the initial rumours then the Streisand effect and her and Fish's being "hacked", etc.
  18. Probably semantics but you don't invade a place you occupy.
  19. Go play it now, it's on GOG and is cheap. Well that's good to hear, hope it does well enough for a suit to approve GK 4.
  20. Ah, good, much better. It is hard to follow the hobby without wandering on some of these 'press' sites, I suppose one can use aggregators and glean stuff there. Always AdBlock I guess, hah.
  21. Of course. That article is suprisingly level for the Guardian, was expecting something more inflammatory. Spectating on this is nice, though, amazing how passionate people comment on something virtual
  22. It is nice to watch things go wrong now and then, though I suppose more passively than wasting time hunting down reviews. I suppose those that worked on it may feel bad, but eh, big deal.
  23. Seems pretty widespread, reading about one does feel they are all of the same mind about this. And the set of "journalists" is quite a lot smaller. Not that you're much concerned about "helping" the situation.
  24. If I can suffer through Sarkeesian's nasal voice and the smirk etched on her face or Stirling's voice (strangely only he and Rob Ford make me homicidal just by seeing them on screen for 30 seconds), you can take some cussing Cuban guy.
  25. That could be fun to watch, see how each would adjust tactics to try to diminish weak points.
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