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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Apparently Russia's begun a 'full scale' invasion, but not much source on that other than some NATO official claiming 1000 troops are there.
  2. Would be funny if these were faked. Especially with her asking for donations shortly after by coincidence.
  3. Don't believe I ever mentioned women and men being different, but when you decide to make a system inequal in The Right Way it is a fairly obvious concern. Women can succeed in STEM no doubt, the ones I've met can cut it perfectly fine, well, more or less anyway (in that they are about as useless as the male ones in a situation). How do you mean the system is rigged in the favour of men, exactly ? In terms of implementing this policy, that'd be a nightmare and expensive, heh.
  4. Well, didn't actually mean any of that, was more a joke on how the average person doesn't mention things like that. Pretty hard thing to counter, anyway, in this case. How exactly would a state enforce hiring of more women and at the same time not compel companies to hire subpar people ?
  5. Well the term doesn't come up that much in the real world.
  6. http://youtu.be/W6pDBXFPa_8
  7. That was worth a chuckle.
  8. Laughing at United.
  9. It is, but "equality" for some means to just get not give, in my experience. As why gender mattering, who knows, referring to yourself as a $gender $occupation does nothing but subtly align your audience into camps.
  10. Well to be fair, the contribution people talk about here is being in charge I feel - no one cares about the female tool developer rather than the female lead designer. In those cases, I feel the companies will trot them out for the marketing.
  11. Well names like Carmack, Meier, Schafer still carry some weight. Molyneux too, I suppose. As for more recent, I have no idea - Levine ?
  12. Well, snark aside, based on mkreku's criteria it's a valid point given the huge audience for online games. Might be a flaw in that though, people scare easily so women playing may not speak up due to fear of people saying stuff to them or will play with friends only and shun pubbies.
  13. Other games online that MMORPGs, you know.
  14. Don't. Really, don't.
  15. Are we sure that is absolutely true, that " any major gaming news site either tried to ignore or actively silence this case" ? Well Reddit had one where threads on it were purged (rumours a Reddit admin was in with Quinn as well). NeoGAF also shut stuff down there, but I've not much detail on it. Were some others as well, generally was a no-no on some sites like RPS where you'd get banned for mentioning it once SJWalker determined it was about Quinn's private life and nothing else. Well people cared about those as well, the Streisand effect at work here is why this is what it is now
  16. Who else will provide proper boob physics ? (that was a joke)
  17. A whole sentence, woo. Does at least point out that women will bring in more women, which is needed apparently, looking at Sierra.
  18. Hm, the people making the "gender equality movement" look bad in this are the ones that usually vocally support it it seems at least on Twitter. Not seeing a lot of stuff bashing feminist ideology versus ones bashing Kotaku, Grayson, Quinn, if it is the former I'm not really buying it and it is a decent mask that serves Quinn.
  19. When the byline mentioned pioneers I was expecting something about the old Sierra crew or Romero. Also....why must video games be accepted as art ?
  20. Well, you aim for a mix - I think there was a post by an ex WoW dev about this - of making things fun and not frustrating for casual players but making things deep and meaty for the hardcore ones to get tangled in. Focus either way and you'll end up in failure. Just my interpretation of his point, anyway.
  21. It is ? Thought it was just a campaign against one woman.
  22. If you mean act like a 8 year old, sure. Also, what's wrong with the Codex ? Well, not that I'd expect the likes of TrueNeutral to like it, but I doubt the site's organized so much as to have stratagems Hilarious amount of e-stalking now as people are cross referencing people's twitters and FB pages.
  23. http://m.pcgamer.com/au/2014/08/26/diablo-3-reaper-of-souls-patch-2-1-releases-tomorrow/ Patch tomorrow
  24. Hm, interesting approach - to just accept it like it is and shrug when it is pointed out. Does that apply to the abusive Internet ? The suppression of it just makes this keep on going, and it is rather amusing in of itself. So far Fish's life has been ruined, or so he claims (that hack may have been a fake), so that's one good thing.
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