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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. It can be daunting to see all the hotkeys and learn the mechanics for each class, after a break. They are pruning abilities in WoD, hopefully not too much. Finally got my rogue to 90, huzzah. Though I guess having six at max (ok, only levelled 4) is enough.
  2. People still miffed at Assange, I see.
  3. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2014/08/16/sierra-s-new-king-s-quest-won-t-be-a-point-and-click-adventure.aspx So new KQ game won't be point and click, but will be an adventure.
  4. I think people are right when they say this isn't a binary choice. I'll eventually play DA2, or at least I keep saying that, so DA:I is out of the question right this instant versus Witcher 3 where I've played the series to date so far, so Witcher 3 for now.
  5. Seems a lot of doubt on that experiment's usefulness. Doesn't really account for the Blue Mafia aspect of police though (it is always funny when I hear them say 'brothers') , rather then their tendency to power trip.
  6. Not too sure comparing poor today with poor 50 years ago indicates much. Better to compare the number of poor and income disparity, perhaps.
  7. Actually making some headway in a applying for a job that pays marginally more than my current one, but seems to be as or more sucky in terms of environment than mine. Feh.
  8. Hate is good, provides focus.
  9. Wonder how much 'counter-terrorism' a local city police unit is expected to do.
  10. Another record falls at Old Trafford
  11. What's wrong with chess for fun? It is a TBS
  12. Well, wasn't really serious - not really the type to find crowd control a "YEEEEHAW" moment. Sure it's great for violent protests, but I've seen cops do stuff to non violent ones so the old methods are fine for that. But I can see that coming.
  13. 2089 rating too. I like the images of them when they are focusing intensely or staring at the camera with disdain for interrupting
  14. I dunno, GK2 has a certain charm with the FMV. Acting in it wasn't as bad as some I've played (Von Glower was decently done, for example). If any, GK3 is the one that needs redoing - talk about shoe-horning 3D in.
  15. Well all 3 are relevant, the last is dramatic as at first glance I thought those were all M4s pointed the person.
  16. Nah, he took a snipe at some people, that's something!
  17. Sure seems like it, though. Still get a kick of remembering the G20 ones here, never actually seen men do that hard man strut before.
  18. Hard to tell or if it's just baiting all the SJW Bioware fans, these days.
  19. Lot of people commented they were expecting riot police, so batons, shields, etc, rather than cops pretending they are soldiers again with rifles drawn and tactical gear to confront...uh..people in the street. Nice to see the state police acting like cops though, makes the city cops look like asses, heh.
  20. Well the bit I've played is ok, should play more. Gabriel's voice is...passable. Grace's as well. But the new narrator's voice ? Not good
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