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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Pft, she'd probably be against us having Max Payne - and that is not right.
  2. Grey Goo, pretty fun so far. The AI is pleasantly challenging enough though a bit predictable in its pressure (so once you take good positions you are gold). I do like how the game handles elevation as well as cover in dense woods.
  3. http://imgur.com/gallery/MNKOY1M
  4. Drillers of Earth is a cool band name
  5. Meh after 5 and BE, I'll grab it when it is dirt cheap. Does remind me I have Endless Space to play
  6. Will be pretty cut and dry, I am guessing. Poor female victim sells well, after all.
  7. Maybe cryptic was the wrong word; just that there's so much to wrap your head around , before you get to solving anything. I mean it's fun revisiting everything again, don't get me wrong Oh ok, was more questioning what was your difficulty so I could help possibly.
  8. Not surprising, apparently the male dominated Wikipedia purged itself of the feminists for reasons that must only be because of feminism. Then again, was reading people commenting that it is ok to break a site's policies if it is to...uh..defend yourself from hate groups. I'd thought these people would be against ends-justify-the-means thinking, but there you go
  9. Rubacava was fun enough for me that exploring every nook and cranny was enjoyable, was truly sad when Year 2 ended. Never did like 3 or 4 that much.
  10. What is cryptic about Year 2? I do remember taking a while to figure out what that key from Nick was for.
  11. Heh, so wonder how long until they nuke this thread and the topic. Also is that otherkin term TB used an actual thing people use or did he invent that? Strange people these days.
  12. You are the one who posted you had no idea who any of them were, as if that were a surprising thing. If you don't watch TV and you don't watch SNL, which is basically the main pipeline for comedic actors to get in movies, then you shouldn't be surprised that you don't recognize them. Roseanne would be great...if it was 25 years ago. How about Roseanne, Oprah, Ellen, and Kathy Lee Gifford. I was adding the gender thing for the other posters who seem to think that is a big deal. It wasn't intended to be a surprise, just the fact of the matter actually. SNL being funny must be a new thing, spawned Fallon and Meyers after all. The all women cast does seem like a shameless PR thing though. Plenty of people loving this just fof that, an article calling this important is my favorite. Also no Canadian is all that funny.
  13. Yet more "Remastering"
  14. Must have been an awkward experience for all, I'd have to say.
  15. Pre-order cancelled.
  16. Nope I don't, I just don't watch SNL or TV for the most part. I suppose that is a requisite thing for someone, to you ? Am rather surprised to see SNL is still a source for humour since I last watched it ~'99 or so, heh. Also, when did I have a problem with the case being women ? If they chose Samberg or Rogan I'd still be unimpressed (though in that case I am aware those two are not funny). Ah, wait, McCarthy was in that cop movie, "The Heat", I recall her now.
  17. https://www.crowdrise.com/zerobiscuit/
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2lJx2z0eKo
  19. Hm, have seen nothing with these women in it, so have no idea if they are funny. Though with current people marked as such I am sure they are not.
  20. Why not just make movies in the similar vein rather than rebooting things.
  21. Now that is strange to me, family that enjoys seeing one another. I'd go armed if mine wanted to meet up
  22. On this note, I believe one of the most under-used tools in the more-escalated arguments of this forum is the question "What did you mean by that?". What do you mean, exactly?
  23. Got Grey Goo, so will try that tomorrow most likely. Toss up of whether I feel like playing WoW, Arma 3, Blackguards or Cities in Motion 2.
  24. It is entertaining for the participants though, adds an extra edge and thrill to posts . Ultimately though that is just the lifecycle of a forum thread, for most topics that warrant that much heat it is usually more than a one on one fight and is over something notable. If not then it ends a whimpering death as people agree to disagree and move on. Really isn't as if we are trying to come to an official resolution on any matters, after all.
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